You can't go wrong with black

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L A Y L A ' S   P O V

"I have nothing to wear."

"Layla, we're looking at about ten different outfits options right now."

"None of these even remotely go together. Do you have no fashion sense at all?"

Derek sighs and let's his eyes fall closed. He starts counting on his fingers, muttering dates underneath his breath. He reopens his eyes and shrugs. "Makes sense."

I barely even have to think twice about what he was calculating because I may be a little snappy today. "My period is coming soon?"

Derek snorts a laugh. "Exactly. That why you're so—"

I pin my arms across my chest when I raise an eyebrow. "Why I'm so what?"

At my narrowed eyes and I dare you expression, a sheepish look crosses Dereks face and his eyes widen. "That you.." He says, stepping into me and cupping my face in his hands. "Are so breathingly beautiful."

"Nice save..asshole."

Rossi is hosting a New Year's Eve party tonight at his house, a small get together with some of the people from our office. I'm actually quite excited about it, except for the fact that I won't be able to kiss Derek at midnight. That's one of the many things that are annoying me today.

You know when you plan an outfit out in your head and are set on it, then you try it on and it looks absolutely nothing like you hoped? That's my delma right now.

So as a result I've pulled everything from the closet and layed it out on the bed, trying to come up with something different. But I can't and Derek is no help either. He tells me anything looks good on me. Which is sweet in theory, but really no help when I'm trying to decide between a two piece co ord or a dress.

"Fine, take your anger out on me." Derek shrugs nonchalantly, pulling me into him. His lips are smiling when he presses them to mine. "But remember it's the world that's out to get you today not me. I'm on your side."

The world really is out to get me today.

Not even including the pmsing I'm currently experiencing, I burnt my breakfast this morning and when I tried to make my coffee, the milk was sour. So I decided to order food instead and the wrong order was delivered. Twice.

Derek was at the gym when this all happened so I dragged myself out of the house to go get some food instead. When I finally got my right order, I stopped at CVS to run into the pharmacy while on my way back home. What do I come out to on my car? A parking ticket. Apparently I didn't see the no parking sign while I ran in to grab my contact prescription. Ironic.

Derek had to sit through me ranting about my day while I did my makeup, which I had to redo three times because it either was too cakey, too light or too dark. I honestly could have cried by the time I got to the stage of doing my hair and the parting wasn't sitting right.

But Derek isn't looking at me like I'm crazy yet so I'm taking that as a win.

I'm grateful that these are the biggest problems in my life right now, but it doesn't mean it's not frustrating.

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