You're coming straight home. Okay?

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D E R E K ' S P O V

There's a few more of her questions I answer, but Layla and I sit in almost complete silence while I give her time to process everything I have been trying to work through all week.

Eventually, the diner closes and we step out into the rainy night. Layla lets me drape my jacket over her shoulders as I walk her toward her car.

"Why did it take this long to tell me?"

"She's been watching me like a hawk," I reach for Layla's hand and try not to be offended when she pulls it back before I can touch her. "This is the only time I could slip away."

"We're not okay," Layla says in response to my wordless questioning of her not letting me touch her. "I know you didn't sleep with her and this isn't your fault but I'm still hurt. That doesn't go away after one conversation."

"I know." I was expecting this and I'll give her all the time she needs to begin to trust me again. I can't even imagine what I've put her through this past week imagining me with someone else, picking someone else over her. "I'm so sorry, Layla."

"," She chews on the side of her lip nervously. "I asked Hotch to transfer me back to Chicago."

"Tell him to cancel it." Fuck no. Not happening. I look into her car, seeing the boxes I had to load in there earlier to make the breakup look more believable. "And do not unpack those boxes." I say, cupping her cheeks in my hands, staring straight into her eyes. My lips brush a tender kiss to her forehead, relishing in the split second she allows herself to lean into me. "When I figure this out you're coming straight home. Okay?"

Layla nods against my chest. "Okay."

I've been so worried about her this week and I hated not being able to do anything about it. I've been just praying that everyone else has been taking care of her.

I got matching head shakes from Rossi and Hotch, slaps in the back of the head from Emily and JJ and asked for an explanation I couldn't give. I got death glare daggers from Penelope one day in the hallway before she barricaded herself in her office and hasn't spoke to me since.

I did get one text from Spencer, telling me what a fucking idiot I am and to keep my door locked because Averie is on a rampage apparently.

They haven't spoken much to me but that's understandable and as long as they've been taking care of Layla, I don't care.

Going no contact has been fucking brutal. She's on my mind every second of every day especially because I know when she gets super stressed she doesn't eat. "Have you eaten today?"

Layla shrugs. "Yeah. A little."

I'm taking that as a no. I knew the truth and my appetite has been gone, I couldn't even imagine hers. I pull out my phone immediately and order her favourite take out to be delivered to her apartment.

"I'll figure this out before anyone sees that video." I have to. I crack a small smile. "I'm sorry babe, but you wouldn't survive half a second in prison."

Layla looks offended. She sits on it for a second, then sighs. "Yeah, you're probably right."

Despite the situation, I manage a laugh when I open up her car door for her. "Get in the car before you get sick." The absolute last thing I want to do is leave her right now, but I still have an uneasy feeling about being out in the open, possibly being watched.

"I'm going to figure this out," I say as she settles into the drivers seat. "But I still have to make the breakup look real so if you see me with her it's only because I'm trying to get more information." Seeing Layla today, heartbroken while connecting the dots in her head and having to turn away from her like she meant nothing to me broke me.

"Okay," She says quietly, letting me click her seatbelt into place. "What do I need to do?"

I cup her chin in my hand, smiling lovingly at her. "You need to go home and eat the pizza I'm getting delivered to you and you're going to fall asleep knowing that I love you and I am doing absolutely everything I can to fix this. Okay?"

"Derek?" It's the first time she's said my name all night. She looks scared and I wish I could take it all away. I'm trying to be positive for her. "I love you."

That's just what I needed to hear. She doesn't let me kiss her goodbye but that's okay. She's hurt and she's right, that doesn't just go away in an instant. But I'll be here and willing to gain her trust back when she's ready. That simple I love you is all I need for now.

We're going to be okay.

I follow behind her car the whole way back to her apartment only turning around to go home after she gives me a nod through the window that all is clear.

My aim for tonight is to learn absolutely everything I can about Emma and Layla's ex, Jake. I might have to call my buddies up in Chicago for help and Penelope too.

I shrug off my wet jacket the second I get inside my house and head for the living room.

I reach for my gun immediately when the lamp turns on the second my feet hit the carpet.

Emma is sitting in the arm chair, illuminated by the dull light. She tuts slowly, mirroring my aim. "Tut tut tut. Derek, what was the one thing I told you not to do?"

L A Y L A ' S   P O V

Derek told me not to worry, but I can't stop thinking about it.

I knew something wasn't right when I seen him with her today, but this isn't what I was expecting.

I'm already in bed with a pen and notepad, trying to recount on every single thing I did day by day between when I walked in on her and my ex and moving to DC. If Jake turned up dead, I would have heard from my brother Adam by now so I'm guessing he doesn't know yet. Maybe nobody knows yet.

My mind is on overdrive as I scribble down all my thoughts and theories when there's a knock on my front door. That must be the pizza Derek ordered me.

I pass the empty spot where the vanity Derek built me used to be on my way to the door. It's gone. I left it on this side of the street last week and by the next morning it was gone. Oops. Surely he'll understand.

I know now that this situation wasn't his fault and I'm not sure what I would do if the shoe was on the other foot or how I'd choose to deal with it, but irregardless I still got hurt in the process. That type of burn doesn't just heal over one conversation.

I get the shock of my life when I open the door and it's not a delivery driver. There's two police officers stood on my door step.

"Layla Evan's." He says grabbing my wrists before I even get a chance to react, curling them around my back. The other officer snaps the handcuffs into place and his voice fades against the pounding in my ears as he starts reading me my Miranda rights. "You are under arrest for the murder of Jake miller. You have the right to remain silent. Anything you say can and will be used against you in a court of law—"


A/N: I hope you enjoyed this chapter and again I'm so curious to hear your thoughts! :)

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