...with benefits?

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L A Y L A ' S P O V

I've learned a lot within my short time working in the behavioural analysis unit, but I will say, two things top the charts.

One being don't drink the shitty coffee they provide, and two being don't question Spencer when he says he has a science trick to show you.

I fell victim to the second one today and I've been nodding at him the past five minutes, completely confused on what physics he's talking about. It would be rude to stop him, but I hope he knows all this information is going in one ear and out the other.

So when he finally stops rambling, JJ, Emily, Penelope, Derek and I all gather around the desk, waiting for the magic to happen.

A few seconds pass of us all staring at the little black container on the table while nothing happens.

JJ clears her throat. "Nothing is happening—"

"Shh," Spencer scolds, holding his hands up. "Watch."

Only another two seconds pass before all our eyes widen, watching in amazement as the container shoots up from the desk in a puff of air. That amazement only lasts a second before we are all wincing when it bounces off Averie's forehead. She clearly chose the perfect time to walk into the office for a visit.

"Bullseye," I snicker, fist bumping Spencer. "Ten points."

"That was funny, dad," Aidan laughs, running to Spencer. "Do it again."

Averie places the little container down on the desk and raises an amused eyebrow between us. "Is this what you guys do all day?"

"Basically," Emily laughs, sitting down at her desk. "It's more interesting than paperwork."

"But the most interesting thing here is your cute little face," Penelope grins, gently squishing Aidan's cheeks. "Tell us about your day."

Aidan smiles, climbing up onto Spencer's lap. "Mommy brought me to the park and then we had a healthy nutritious lunch."

We all laugh because that was definitely a rehearsed line and Spencer rolls his eyes at Averie. "McDonald's?"

"Hey," She says, holding her hands up and shrugging in defence. "He got a fruit bag with it. That's healthy."

We all make general conversation for a few minutes before we all settle back into our desks but my ears perk when I hear Averie telling Spencer that their babysitter for tonight cancelled.

Is she stupid? I tap my hand to her shoulder. "I'm literally right here."

Averie turns around and raises an eyebrow at me. "You want to spend your Friday night babysitting?"

"Correction," I say teasingly, shooting Aidan a wink. "I want to spend my Friday night hanging out with my favorite little guy."

I don't have any plans, but even if I did, watching cartoons, eating dino nuggets and being in bed by eight sounds like a dream to me.

Aidans face brightens when his mom agrees and he holds his little hand up to me in a high five. "We're going to have so much fun."

They leave soon after and we all get back to our paperwork before Hotch catches us all doing nothing and gives us one of his signature looks that makes us all feel like scolded puppies with our tails between our legs.

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