You've corrupted me

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L A Y L A ' S P O V

I've been staring blankly out the jet window most of the flight home, aimlessly watching the clouds go by.

I can't say my first impression of Birmingham, Alabama, was a good one.

It's not surprising considering we didn't get to see much of the city and spent practically every waking hour of the last week hunting down an unsub doing some truly disgusting and disturbing things to his victims which were kids.

Now that it's over and he's caught, I feel sick to my stomach thinking of everything we witnessed the past week, things I won't even repeat. I could cry thinking about it. It won't..I don't think. Not until I'm alone anyway.


I lift my head from where it was leaning against the plane window, finding everyone staring at me. There's a sympathetic look in all their eyes because they all know this was my first emotionally 'difficult' case and I haven't said a word to anyone in hours.

I blink, looking between them all because I honestly don't even know who called my name. "Sorry, what was that?"

JJ leans forward, resting her hand on top of mine. "Are you coming out for a drink with us when land?"

I shake my head in a polite decline, giving them all a small smile. "I love you all but my social battery is drained."

They all nod in understanding and no one else says anything, all focusing back on their phones or paperwork. I cast Derek, who's sitting directly across from me, a quick look to find him already staring at me.

His lips are turned down in a frown while his eyes scan my face, no doubt finding the dejected look across my features. When I'm upset I tend to internalise and go quiet and I definitely can't hide the woeful expression on my face.

Derek subtly reaches his hand underneath the table to find mine, and I don't stop him when he laces our fingers together and squeezes. I let my head fall back against the plane window and smile at him, silently thanking him for the small gesture I needed right now.

Derek and I were on strictly professional mode the whole time we were away. Other than when our hands collided when we were passing paperwork around, we haven't as much as touched each other all week. The fact that I know in a couple of hours from now I can be in his arms, hug him, kiss him and we can try to forget about this whole case is the only thing keeping me from breaking down right now.

I didn't even listen to see if he was going out to the bar with everyone and I won't blame him if he does because what we seen on that case would drive anyone to drink. But I can't handle going out to a crowded bar right now. I want to be alone.. with Derek because he makes me forget about everything bad in this world.

Our hands stay laced together, hidden out of view from everyone underneath the table the whole rest of the flight home.


Just like most of the plane ride, the walk to our cars is in almost complete silence.

Even Hotch is leaving at the same time as us. He normally stays back hours after everyone else to wrap up paperwork so him leaving early is a big indication of how bad this case was.

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