🌙Chapter 3🌙

Start from the beginning

Day looked around with questioning eyes while Night hung to the seat belt for dear life. I felt the familiar lurch as we rode along the broken tracks. Then the bumps came. and finally the familiar drop that made the train fall for a few minutes.

I should have been screaming to try and make it seem like I didn't understand what was happening. Thought Nightlight certainly was doing enough screaming for both of us. So was Daylight, I realized. Finally the train hit the familiar crash area and it jolted us into the wall. Day let out a final yelp while Night was still screaming.

I had prepared for the impact so only my shoulder had hit the wall. It still hurt, but not to the point that I was injured and couldn't walk like last time.

Even after the train had stopped moving, Night kept screaming. "Night we've stopped moving." Day said, with a slight smirk. Nightlight opened his eyes and stared at both of us. "Oh- heh." He said. "That hurt like hell." Day added. I nodded and unbuckled myself. Daylight and Nightlight did the same. I stepped out of the crashed train and helped my brothers out.

Daylight glared at me. "Alright, spill it Catnap. You've clearly been here before or you wouldn't have known about the train crash. You knew where the train passcode was and you navigated the factory very well for someone who "had never been there before", he said, using air quotes. "Also You've been extremely cautious so SPILL IT! What the hell are you hiding from us ?!" He shouted at me.

I was furious. He knew nothing about what had gone on in here. He didn't need to know either. "Daylight stay out of things that do not concern you. Yeah, I've been here before. So what?" I snapped.

He looked at me sort of hurt. "Why won't you just explain what happened?" He asked. "Because it has nothing to do with you, Daylight. Stay out of it and stop questioning me about it." I snapped. He looked down like he was ashamed.

Night just kinda stared at the two of us. "Brother? Is you know who still here?" He asked. I looked away for a minute before answering. "Yeah Night, I think he is." I replied. "Alright", he replied.

We continued walking along the tracks in silence. "At least this time I wasn't dropped into a trash compactor." I said, with a small grin. Daylight looked terrified. "A trash compactor?! Is that how you died?" He looked so scared that I regretted the comment. "No, I didn't die such a pathetic death as being squashed in a trash compactor", I replied.

Daylight turned away from me and looked towards the wall, yet I'd seen it. Day had been trying to hide a smile.

"Catnap, I'm sorry for bothering you about this place." Day spoke up, as we followed the tracks towards the left. "It's fine Day, I'm sorry for yelling at you." I replied.

I heard a rustle nearby and whispered for Day and Night to speed up. Something was following us-

(???'s pov)

I fell. That was the easiest way to put it without making it sound like I had died all over again. Which it definitely felt like I had. The pain was extremely intense.

After I had jumped off the train to continue following Catnap and those other two smiling critters, I sprained my ankle. Yeah it hurt like hell, because I fell off a 20ft train. I groaned in pain but continued to hobble along.

They were far enough ahead that I was certain that they couldn't hear me. Well I hoped that they couldn't hear me. Finally I reached the veer in the track and turned left. Well I tried to turn left. My ankle turned right at the same time so I ended up falling. "Ow-" I seethed. It was all I could do to not scream in pain.

As I struggled to stand back up, I made a loud clang on the tracks. I froze in place, praying they hadn't heard that. After a few minutes of waiting, I slowly stood up the rest of the way. After I finally got my balance, something rushed into me hard. This time I couldn't withstand the pain. "OWWWW!!!!" I cried, as I fell back onto the tracks. Not only did I land on the tracks, I landed on one of those stupid fking nails that were prodding out from the ground. I cried in pain as something picked me up by my tail.

Hidden Secrets: A mostly PoppyPlaytime horror storyWhere stories live. Discover now