connected ;

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the party pulsed with laughter and colored lights. chan stood by the window, nursing his drink, watching the crowd swirl around him. his heart raced—not because of the music or the pulsing beat, but because of the girl across the room.

y/n, his best friend, laughed with their friends. her eyes sparkled, and her smile was contagious. chan had always been drawn to her—her kindness, her wit, the way she listened when he talked about his dreams.

but tonight, another guy from their friend group had mustered up the courage to ask her out. chan watched as their friend leaned in, his face hopeful. y/n hesitated, then shook her head. she didn't want that.

chan's heart sank. he knew their friend was a good guy, but he also knew y/n deserved more than a casual date. she deserved someone who saw her — the way chan did.

he slipped away from the party, and she followed him. they stepped out into the cool night, the city lights casting shadows on the pavement.

"why did you turn him down?" chan asked, his voice gentle.

she sighed. "i don't want to date anyone right now... i can't."

he studied her face—the curve of her lips, the way her eyes held secrets. "why?"

she hesitated, then looked away. "because i'm in love with someone else."

chan's heart stuttered. "who?"

she laughed, but it was a sad sound. "you wouldn't believe me if i told you."

he took a step closer. "try me."

she met his gaze, vulnerability shining through. "it's you. i'm in love with you, chan."

his breath caught. "me...?"

"yes," she whispered. "but you don't see it. you're too busy being my best friend."

he traced the curve of her jaw. "y/n, i—"

she didn't let him finish. she leaned in, her lips soft against his. the kiss was sweet, tentative—a promise of something more.

when they pulled away, she whispered, "i've loved you for so long."

chan smiled. "me too."

and so, under the stars, they confessed their feelings— whispers of the connection that had always been there. the city slept, but their hearts were wide awake.

"i love you, really" chan said, his voice steady.

her eyes shone. "i love you too."

and in that quiet moment, they realized that sometimes, the bravest thing you could do was admit what had been in your heart all along. 

it's raining and i miss him :>

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