"Do you wanna talk about it?" Leah then asked me, and I could hear in her voice the hesitation. She didn't want to make me uncomfortable, but she really wanted to know what had happened to me. That was crystal clear.

I hesitated for a moment, unsure of how to put into words the images that still haunted my mind.

"It was just... so strange," I began, my voice wavering slightly as I struggled to articulate the jumble of emotions swirling within me. "I was alone, in the middle of the pitch at the Emirates, but it was empty. There was no one there. And then you... you appeared, but you weren't you. You were... different. And you asked me why I left you."

Leah listened intently, her expression a mixture of empathy and understanding. "It felt so real, Leah. It's like I could feel in your voice how much I had hurt you. I tried to get to you and you disappeared immediately. You were just gone, and I was left alone and scared..."

Leah didn't answer for a brief minute. She stood silent, her thumb still gently stroking my back.

Then, she asked me. "Do you think it had something to do with the letter?" She asked.

Ah, yes, the letter.

A contract offer. One with big numbers on it. Numbers I didn't think would ever be associated with my name. It wasn't enormous. But it was enough to potentially convince the club to let me go. I was a young player with no experience.

I didn't want to leave Arsenal. No matter for how much. But it was Arsenal's right to sell me if they wanted to. If I refused, they could terminate my contract, or leave me on the bench for the rest of my career. It was their choice more than it was mine.

I nodded slowly, the weight of Leah's question settling heavily in the pit of my stomach. "I think so," I admitted, my voice barely above a whisper. "I mean, I love Arsenal. I love this team, this club, it's my family. It's where I wanna be for the rest of my life. But... it's not my decision to make anymore... they're the higher power." I mumbled. "I don't wanna go to Spain, Leah, I-"

I was cut off by Leah's gentle touch on my cheek, her eyes filled with understanding and compassion. "Hey, hey, look at me," she said softly, her voice a soothing balm to my frayed nerves. "I know it's hard. I know it's scary. But I swear, Valentina, I'll do everything in my power so you get what you want. I'm a respected figure, I'm powerful in the club. I'll do anything it takes so you can stay here, okay? Even if it means I have to-"

"No. Absolutely not." I cut Leah off immediately before she could even express her thoughts on the matter. "I won't let you sacrifice your position or your reputation for me. It's not fair to you, Leah. You've worked so hard to get to where you are, and I won't let my situation jeopardize that. I'll figure something out. I'll talk to Jonas, to the board, and I'll tell them to bring my salary down and get a second job. I'll do whatever it takes to stay here, but I won't let you get involved. And I absolutely won't let you get transferred anywhere. Promise me, please."

Leah's eyes softened at my words, her expression a mixture of admiration and concern. "Baby, I- I appreciate your determination, I really do. But I can't just sit back and watch while you struggle on your own. We're a team, remember? We face our challenges together."

I shook my head, my resolve unwavering. "You've done so much for me already. You've supported me, believed in me, and loved me through everything. But this is something I have to do on my own. I won't let you sacrifice your career for me. You're the Arsenal, Leah. You."

One day I'll have it all. // WilliamsonWhere stories live. Discover now