Chapter 23: Final Fight

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3rd POV:

Back to (Y/N).

When (Y/N) was running and he keep running out to somewhere else in this world and make him tries to thinking about there is other way to get there fast as he could and (Y/N) really want to get there and find the survivors by himself. After he went there and make (Y/N) was saw the nest where the survivors are captured and they both notice (Y/N) is here and make (Y/N) was running toward to them and then they tries to called him out and make him run to them and then he use a katana sword and cutting down at the nest and ripped the nest off right away.

After (Y/N) cut the nest off by himself and make him was look at the survivors and he told them to get in there right away...the dropship and it allowed them to take there fast as they could and then the general had already planned a big ship for these survivors that they can going back to their own home...the portal machine that (Y/N) activating it on when he found Weyland doing with it and it is the only way to flying up there.

When (Y/N) heard the growl over there and make him was turn around and he saw Berserker Predator is here and make (Y/N) was seen this and he told them to run right now...they both are running away from here and leave (Y/N) was fighting with the Berserker Predator by himself.

(A/N: Imagine Royce as (Y/N) fighting Berserker Predator scene.)

(Y/N): "*Huffing*" He was huffing out and he was tired.

Pretty tired for what he just been through and killing the rest of these Yautjas and monsters in this world and then (Y/N) just stood right there and looking down at the Berserker Yautja was got his right arm cut off by (Y/N)'s katana weapon. Then (Y/N) was breathing out little bit and make him look at the Berserker Yautja was breathing and keep breathing out little bit and he look up at (Y/N) who was holding the Katana sword with samurai style.

After (Y/N) cut the head of Berserker Predator and make him was cough bloods out of his mouth and he start to walking toward to there by himself and then (Y/N) just begin to moving the other way and he was felt tired and he had a big bruises all over himself and bloods comes down from his left side of head. When (Y/N) was sigh little bit and make him was turn his head to look up and he saw the ship...yes...the ship where the survivors are up there by themselves...and (Y/N) look up there and group of survivors were inside the ship.

Mutsumi Oribe, Inou Ai, Chitose Naruse, Kazuhiko Kai, Ayumi Matsuoka, Emiko, Kai, and Akira that they both were in there and look down at (Y/N) who was stood right there and make him raise his hand up and give them a thumb up and he smile at them...the ship was fly up and passes through the portal right away. When the specialist was walk up to the tree by himself and make him was walk up there and he sat down on the ground and make him is sigh little bit and he said.

(Y/N): "I believe it is over now." He said to himself and make him was grab the pack of cigarette box from his pant's pocket and he is holding it in his hand and then he put the cigarette in his mouth and then he got the lighter in his hand and make him was flip it on and then he was light the cigarette up from his mouth.

(Y/N): "*Sigh*" He was sigh out little bit and make him was sigh out to the sky and he was sat there and chilling until he heard the footsteps coming here and loud footsteps came here and make (Y/N) turn his head to look on the right side and he saw her...his lovely female Yautja beautiful was came here...6'05 foot tall very big...Xariyah and she had a hole on her left side from her stomach and broken left arm and make (Y/N) look at her and he said.

(Y/N): "Xariyah." He said to her and she was walk up to him and sat down beside with him and he look at her who is breathing out little bit and she sat there and put her head lean against at (Y/N)'s head.

Xariyah: "*GROWLING* Glad you kill that bastard.*" She said to (Y/N).

(Y/N): "Yep, I killed him for what he tries to kill me, you, and Six." He said to her and make her was smile up and she was grab his chin and make him turn to look at her and she pulled him into kiss little bit. When the two of them are kissing and keep kissing and they heard the movement with loud hisses and make the two of them turn their heads to look over there and saw Six who is crawling toward to (Y/N) and Xariyah.

Six was an female xenomorph who is crawling toward to (Y/N) and Xariyah that the female xenomorph was got her left leg blown up and only one leg is right and make her hisses out to (Y/N) and she is crawling toward to (Y/N) and when she was closer and make her wrapped her arms around (Y/N)'s neck and she put her head on the crook of his neck and (Y/N) was smoking the cigarette in his hand and keep smoking.

(Y/N): "Hehehehehe...." He was chuckling out little bit.

(Y/N): "Well, let just say it is finally over right now." He said to himself.






In Post Credit Ending.

When there was dark room and then there was a figure heard the calls comes from the phone and he answer at it and he said.

???: "Yes?" He said.

???: "You have it. When?"

???: "Good...bring it to me...because I have something special to do with this data." He said with an evilly smirk on his face and revealed real Weyland.

" He said with an evilly smirk on his face and revealed real Weyland

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Carl: "It is here...I am close."








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The End.

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