Chapter 8: The Colonial Marines

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3rd POV:

Previously of Kyochuu Rettou: Aliens Vs Predators.

(Y/N): "But...I have a bad new is...for you guys...there is no way for you all going back home." He said to them.

All: "W-W-What?!?" They said in surprise and make them were heard (Y/N) just speak to them and then they both were turn their heads to look each others like surprises with confuses about what happened and they heard (Y/N) said it was truth...but he isn't mess around and then they were turn their heads to look each others and look back at (Y/N).

Kai: "W-Wait, are you saying...there is no way for us going back home?" He asked (Y/N).

(Y/N): "Yes." He said to Kai.

Kai: "A-A-Are you serious or joke?!?" He said to (Y/N).

(Y/N): "Do I looks like fucking joke to you?!?" He said to Kai and this scared the guy off and this make (Y/N) was remain calm and he said.

(Y/N): "There's no plane or anything for what you can get back home." He said to them and make him asked them about how did they get here and then they both told (Y/N) about there was a portal appeared in the sky when the plane was flying and it fly through and then this happened....the plane was losing control because they went to the portal and make them were got crashed down on the island.

(Y/N): "Wait, so you're telling me...that you guys came from the other timeline from the portal and brought you guys here in this island?" He asked them and make the survivors nod their heads and then (Y/N) was thinking and make him tries to thinking in his head and he said.

(Y/N): "Someone brought you guys here in this world....and someone else who doing this to your plane." He said to them and make them were confuse more about (Y/N) tries to speak...someone else brought the group of students been here in this island. Questions is who...who could done such a thing right now.

(Y/N): "Look, we'll get some rest and we are going out alright? We cannot stay here until these xenomorphs will be appeared here by themselves." He said to them and make them were nod their heads and then they both were tries to take a rest until something else is here and it was break down from the ceiling and make the survivors were screaming out in fear. Then an xenomorph was landing down on the ground and revealed the creature is...Specimen 6 by herself and she is here for (Y/N).

Kai: "HOLY SHIT!!!!!!! IT'S ONE OF THOSE THINGS!!!!!!!!!" He shout out to (Y/N).

The other girls are scared as shitless for themselves that they saw the creature is here and make her turn to look at (Y/N) and walking toward to him.

Jinnou: "SHOOT IT! SHOOT THAT THING!!!!!!!!" She shout out to (Y/N) and make him was raise his hand touch at Specimen 6's head and then she was purring her mate's touch and make the other survivors were surprises and confuses about what they just saw the creature is fallen love with him. The feminine xenomorph goes behind (Y/N) and hug him and pulled him closer to her and make her head lean down at (Y/N)'s shoulder and she was purring by (Y/N)'s touch

Ayumi: "What in the hell?!?" She asked (Y/N).

(Y/N): "Easy, this is Six...and she is my girlfriend." He said to them and make them were surprise like WTF and they were yelled out one word "WTF" and then (Y/N) begin to tell them about Specimen 6 and the other xenomorphs are females and yes...they are females were chestbursters comes from the victims that Weyland and Dr. Groves's subjects.

Time Skip Later.

Six: "Are you saying there was another xenomorphs out there tries to kill you?" She asked (Y/N).

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