Chapter 7: Danger

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"Uh! Does he always disappear like that?" Kid Flash groaned as we watched him enter the burning building.

"You get used to it." I smiled patting him on the back.

"Kid Flash, Aqualad our priority is to get these people to safety." I declared as they nodded their heads.

"What will you do Jaye?" Aqualad asked. A wide grin slowly appeared on my face.

I raised my hand in the air smiling, "I'll make sure that Robin doesn't do anything harsh."

With that, I rushed to the building climbing up any walls that seemed like it was climbable to be on. In the corner of my eye, I noticed that Kid Flash and Aqualad were doing their jobs I could tell that they were inexperienced.

They weren't used to doing things all by themselves, but it would be better this way if I didn't teach them.

The classic Batman technique.

I would throw them in the kitty pool expecting that they would come out as brave new individuals. But maybe I wasn't a bit too much trust them to do something like this. . . Especially Kid Flash


It didn't take me too long to find where Robin was located.

"What'd you find?" I looked over his shoulder.

"Basic intel blah, blah. . . Anything that I could grab my hands on." Robin was focused on that little tech he always had on him.

I loved using tech but not as much as him. I was used to being a bit more old-school when it came to crime fighting. Whether that was reasonable or not, it didn't matter altogether.

"You know. . ." He looked over his shoulder with a grin. "We could just explore this place, after all, I do know that you're equally interested in it."

I raised my eyebrow in amusement.

"Come on." Robin smiled, "We could finally partner again and I'll show you how much I've improved."

"As much as I would love to entertain that idea, we need to wait for the others."

He nodded his head but I knew he wasn't too happy to be hearing that.

Kid Flash and Aqualad were also quick to arrive on the scene as I watched the three of them talk about poetic justice.

Aqualad left the room on his own for a bit, but shortly after he had some news for us.

"Something was in the elevator." He answered raising our attention to the matter.

"I'm pretty sure that the elevator is meant to be closed. . ." Kid Flash walked closer to the elevator.

"It's supposed to."

Aqualad approached closer to the door, curious, I watched what he was going to do.

With his strength, he opened the door only for us to see a pit full of darkness.

Without a hint of hesitation, Robin was the first to grapple with finding the mysteries of whatever was at that pit.

Kid Flash groaned, "does he always do that."

"You'll get used to it, it's part of the Robin persona."

"Are you coming, Jaye?" Aqualad asked.

"I'll catch up with you guys later." I smiled as they nodded their head.

"See you on the flip side!" Kid Flash saluted, "Or should it be downside?"

I smiled as they both disappeared into the bottom.
I began to let out a deep breath wondering how the hell I even got myself in this position.

I wanted to be here with the others but I didn't expect to have a little trip to Cadmus to be something like this.

I was going to regret what I was going to do but it felt like it was the right thing to do.

"Yes?" Batman stated as I had started an intercom with him.

"Remember when you told them to stay put?" I chuckled nervously.

"Even though you weren't in the room, I specifically told them to tell you that."

Great. . . He was not going to like what I was going to tell him.

"About that. . . We're at Cadmus."

The line was silent for a good five seconds and I had no idea what was going to happen next.

"We'll be there."

Before I could say anything, he had already ended the line between us. He was not going to be happy about that, but there was only one way to go now. And that was down.

I managed to use my grapple to follow where they had gone, everything seemed to be normal as it could be. If you disregard all the weird-looking corridors, then you'd be fine as a daisy.

It wasn't long until I heard a noise coming from what sounded like the others. I quickly rushed over to see my eyes widening more than ever.

What the hell were those things?

Those things were more than abnormal. Little Creatures with red glowing eyes.

But that didn't matter, it seemed more than ever that they needed my help.

Though hesitant at first to unleash the full force of my duel pistols, the gravity of the situation demanded swift and decisive action. With each pull of the trigger, my guns spat fire and lead, feeling the abominations that threatened to overrun my team.

I was quick to realise that surprisingly The Guardian was here, fighting against us.

Wasn't he supposed to be a hero or something?

His imposing figure seemed nigh-invincible as he unleashed a barrage of attacks with unmatched strength and skill.

Despite the odds stacked against me, I met the Guardian's ferocity head-on, refusing to yield in the face of overwhelming power. Each blow was exchanged as I fought with every ounce of strength and determination.

I thought to use my guns, but I knew that it wasn't the right thing to do.

As the battle raged on, I found myself pushed to the brink of exhaustion, my muscles aching and my breath coming in ragged gasps. But just when it seemed as though all hope was lost, a surge of adrenaline coursed through my veins, fueling my final assault.

With a decisive strike, I managed to outmaneuver the Guardian, exploiting a momentary weakness to deliver a devastating blow that sent him crashing to the ground. As he lay defeated before me, I was happy that I barely even got to beat him.

If it wasn't for the others wearying him down, I would have lost the battle.

"Way to go!" Kid Flash got back up from the ground.

"Let's go! This way!" Robin led the way as we followed him. Wherever we were going, we were leading to even more. . .


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