Chapter 5: Result

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I waited patiently outside the GCPD waiting for Commissioner Gordon's arrival. It was one of the few days that I was early, but this time I was extremely early.

"Commissioner Gordon!" I excitedly said catching up to him. "I have great news, I've found env-"

"You need to stop your investigation."

I stood still for a moment just blinking at him.
What did he exactly mean by stopping my investigation? I was so close and I would be able to catch the case.


"The Captain wants you to stop any ongoing investigation on Cadmus. I'm sorry but my hands are tied." He patted me on the shoulder.

"I understand," I replied in a disappointed tone. There was nothing I could do about it, but just accept the fact that I couldn't do anything. It was a daunting reality that I had to face.

"Take a day off, you deserve it." He smiled walking away.

But something told me that I shouldn't just accept that this was the case and live my life normally.
I could never live my life knowing that I could've made a change but I didn't do anything because someone told me that I couldn't.

I read that file from Bruce.

It didn't tell me everything but what I did know was that there were signs of unusual activity happening there and I would have to find out for myself if I was going to get to the bottom of it.

It meant only one way and that meant having to go to the other side of the legal force.

I was going to be a vigilante once more.

But first thing first was a new costume. I didn't have the Boy Wonder costume anymore as that belonged to Dick now. I would need a new outfit something more interesting and with a bit of flair.

And I knew the exact thing.


I wasn't any Batman, but I was able to make a suit for myself. Of course, it wasn't the best quality and didn't have the extreme tech of them but I managed to steal some tech here and there and make it my own.

I was sure that this suit would be able to take some beatings before it started getting old and rusty.

You know what they say, the best time to strike is always at night. I used one of the stakeout areas to look at one of the smaller Cadmus areas, I scouted out the place to see that there were a couple of armed security.

For a place like this, I wouldn't have been surprised that they armed security in case of robberies, break-ins or perhaps. . . Their purpose was for something else.

I looked at my waist and strapped were dual pistols. I had no intention of using them but if something did go wrong it would be my last resort to use the guns to use.

As I approached the perimeter, shadows became my allies, cloaking my movements from the guards.

I silently dispatched the guards one by one, ensuring they remained oblivious to my presence. I took them down swiftly and soundlessly, leaving no trace of my presence.

Nicely done me.

Navigating through the corridors, I encountered security measures designed to prevent someone like me, but unfortunately for them, they were messing with the wrong guy. I reached the heart of the facility, where the truth lay shrouded in secrecy.

Files detailing unethical research projects, prototypes of advanced weaponry, and cages holding creatures unknown to science all hinted at the facility's nefarious purposes. This was exactly what I needed.

But just as I began to gather intel, an unexpected alarm pierced the silence, signalling the discovery of my presence. With the facility's personnel mobilizing against me, I would have to use my stealth to get out of here.

Swiftly evading detection, I made a daring escape, slipping into the night with the damning evidence securely in my possession. That was all that mattered to me, as long as I had the evidence intact.

I wish I had gotten more intel but it was the best that I could get.

In the corner of my eyes, I could see a shadowy figure from above it was enough for me to realise that someone had been watching me. Whoever it was, they were simply just inspecting what I was doing.

They didn't seem to be a threat but it didn't matter all too much.


The shadow figure came down to the ground and my suspicions were confirmed.

"Batman." I declared.

He stared down at me but more specifically the guns that were currently strapped on me.

"If it makes you feel better bats, I didn't use them." I smiled.

"What you did was reckless. Things could have been worse." He stated seriously as his gaze was calculating.

"But it didn't." I shot back. "I know what I can handle."

His gaze became more scrutinizing, "The file." He reached out for it, but I pulled it back from him immediately.

I tilted my head, "why would I give it to you? I was the one who got it."

"I understand that but this is bigger than you. . . The Justice League needs to know about this."

"Justice League." I scoffed, "Those people are the last thing-"

My eyes widened at the realisation, "You wanted this to happen. . . You were pushing me to do this." I muttered.

He didn't say a word back to me, for he knew I was right about what I was talking about.

"You are the worst person that someone could ask to raise them." I chuckled staring at him dead in the eye. "You're not getting that file from me that's for sure, find your file," I answered stating my intentions.

He grabbed a hold of my arm firmly. I stared into his eyes and I could sense what was about to happen.

"It's an order," Batman stated.

"Remember, I'm not a Robin anymore."

"But you're still a part of the family." He looked me in the eye wanting to gauge an answer.

He was waiting to hear the. . .


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