Chapter 4: Limits

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My stake-out mission continued for some time and I genuinely felt as though I was getting somewhere with it. All I knew was that if I kept pushing on, I would be able to successfully find something on them.

But in the meantime, I focused on other things that were in store for me. For example, getting a cup of coffee. I took a sip in a simple cafe where not that many people came by. A sweet bliss so to say.

It was nice not having people around me all the time.
There was sort of a comforting silence to it which I longed for more of.


I looked up from my drink to see Bruce standing in front of me in his classic clean and pristine suit that he always wore.

"Care if I take a seat?"

"Of course not, by all means." I smiled as he took a seat in front of me.

There wasn't any sort of tension between the two of us but rather that it was simply just awkward.
I haven't seen Bruce since the last time I met which was when I was done with being Robin.

Dick was always meant to be Robin. Even while I was Robin he was already taking the mantle of it. I wanted to drift away from the role of mine, to something more simpler.

Here I am now.

"A private investigator for the GCPD." Bruce smiled softly at me.

I nodded my head.

"I always knew that you had the talent for that. You always had a bright mind ever since young."

I wasn't sure where he was getting with this. Or what he even wanted with me. I know he wasn't here for some casual talk even if that was slightly the reason he was here.

"Thanks. . . For you know. . . Recommending me to the Gordon." I muttered lowly.

Like I said I was grateful for that.

"Don't mention it." He nodded.

A silence grew between the both of us as we waited for the other to speak up.

I had no dislike for Bruce, I didn't care all too much. I had nothing against him, I understood where he came from.

Just like all of us, his parents died at a young age and that's why he became Batman in the first place. He raised us when we lost our parents and that's something that I will forever be grateful for.

"I hear Dick's doing a great job as Robin, I always knew that he could be."

"He's been doing well, almost as well as you at your age."

I let out a faint smile at Bruce's compliment. "Believe me, he'll be better than me. I'm just glad that I'm not Robin anymore." I declared. "I can go live my life without having to face serial killers, monsters, aliens and especially magic."

Bruce chuckled taking a sip from his drink. "You always hated people who used magic."

I returned the chuckle, "Those are the worst kind of people."

I hated people who used magic with a passion. I didn't see why people admired people who used magic. It was just some cheap trick that they had to cover up for their lack of combat skills.

While people like me, normal people had to work their asses off just to be as good as we have become. They were cheating but the world didn't care if you cheated or not.

"Which is why I came here today." He smiled.

I raised my eyebrow as he spoke up.

"Do you know what day it is tomorrow?"

A slight grin grew on my face, I knew exactly what day it was.

"Independence Day," I answered. "And I'm assuming you want me to be there for Dick's supposed joining to the justice league." I smiled brightly.

Bruce slowly nodded his head.

"How much does he know?" I asked him.

"How much does he know about what?"

"Come on Bruce." I chuckled, "You're giving him false hope here."

The look of seriousness on his face worn down brick by brick as he knew what I was talking about.

"I'm impressed, you're still sharp as ever."

"Being a private investigator does that to you." I smiled. "Now tell me this, how long have you been keeping tabs on me?"

He wasn't phased by my question it was rather that he was expecting me to ask him in the first place.

"Since the day you quit." Bruce had a solemn look in his eyes.

I should've been angry or even livid at him, but I wasn't.

I don't think I could be angry at Bruce. I could be pissed off but never angry at him.

I let out a deep sigh, "So I'm assuming that you know all about my private investigation."

"I do." Bruce nodded checking the time on his watch. "It'll be a hard investigation. . . You know that right?"

"I know, but it's the right thing to do."

Bruce stood up from his seat, "if that's the case then. . ." He pulled out a briefcase that I am surprised that I didn't even realize was there in the first place.

He placed a file down gesturing me to read it. I grabbed it taking a quick scan only to realize that this was everything. . .

Everything that I needed to be aware about Cadmus. Every single detail was in this file nothing was left out of place, with this sort of evidence I would surely be able to give it to Commissioner Gordon and have his approval to ask for a warrant and go there down myself.

This was the best news I had all month this was surely worth it.

"Bruce. . . I don't what to say but th-"

I looked up to see that he was already gone. I couldn't help but chuckle a bit to myself. That was a classic Batman move that he had just done on me.
I was impressed yet again by you Bruce.

But with everyone, everyone has there. . .


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