Chapter 3: Pleasant

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June had arrived like any other normal day. Except for this time, I had steadily risen my way to not just any normal investigator, but a private one at that. Now this was a new type of freedom.

I was a private investigator that worked for the GCPD so that allowed me more access than any normal private investigator. I was able to run my undercover investigations.

But that was the hardest part of it all, there wasn't anything that piqued my interest to investigate or if there was anything worth it at all. There has to be something, anything.

That was until I did find something interesting to research.


It was something that I was interested in researching. It was a genetic research laboratory in D.C. Washington created by Lex Luther.

I was aware of Lex Luther, but I had yet to know enough about him. He was stated to be some sort of genius and with genius, there's always a chance that he'd be on the wrong playing field.

His name on the GCPD database was crystal clear. Not a single thing that could relate to him doing anything bad was on here.

To the legal system, he was a saint. A person who had done no wrong in the eyes of everyone but something had to be done about it.

"Commissioner Gordon." I grabbed his attention.

"Ah Jaxon, how can I help you?"

"Well, I was wondering if you could by any chance help me with this." I handed him over my file report.

He raised his eyebrow reading it, "Cadmus? Why brings your attention to Cadmus?"

"There's been talks about the ethical debates on Cadmus and what goes on in there," I answered honestly.

He stroked his chin looking at the paper once more. "It's understandable why you think that way, but without having a warrant our hands our tied. . "

"Then why can't I just request a warrant then?"

Gordon gave me a sympathetic smile placing his hand on my shoulder firmly. "Look Jaxon I get it. I've been wanting to investigate these people forever. We all know what they do, but those people in power in Gotham will forever remain safe. Besides Cadmus isn't in our jurisdiction."

I kept silent listening to what he had to say.

"It's exactly why people like Carmine Falcone and Sal Maroni never get arrested for their crimes. . . They get away with things because they have power in Gotham."

It was a hard reality that was currently sinking in. Those people were too hard to catch for their crimes. They ran Gotham and they controlled the people here.

It looked like there was no way possible that I could bring these types of people to justice, even if they fully deserved it.

"But. . ." Gordon sighed, "If you can find substantial evidence that Cadmus is up to something even if they aren't in our GCPD. Perhaps I can ring in a favour or two."

I smiled back in response. "I'll do my best Sir!"

He nodded his head. "Remember, you can't do anything that will potentially infringe or harm Cadmus in any way."

I nodded. "Understood."


It was hard to think that Gotham was filled with so much crime that people were afraid to walk the streets of Gotham at night.

So I did the best I possibly could to keep the interests of the people at heart.

During my free time, while I wasn't working at the GCPD, I was setting up stakeouts around minor Cadmus locations in Gotham. Nothing too serious that it would lead to some crisis.

It was the only logical choice that I would be able to do.

For weeks nothing had been going on, and it was to be expected but sooner or later, I started to notice little odd details that most people would probably just let go of.

Whatever these products they were moving, it seemed as though they weren't directly sending those products.

They were using these Cadmus warehouses first perhaps to finalise it and then be sent to the main location.

I took any sort of photos that might have revealed something more interesting for me to find. But it'd be hard to find anything if I wasn't on the location myself.

But of course, I wasn't allowed to do something like that. With that I called it a day, heading back to my apartment.

I had purchased the apartment with the money that I earned from the GCPD. I barely had enough money to make a living but it made me have more respect for those who worked in the GCPD.

All I knew was that some of these people weren't working for the money but for the greater good, while others could easily be turned and bribed.

It simply meant that there were two sides to the coin of the law. Those who intended to enforce the principle of the law while those who betrayed the law for their selfish intentions.

However, that wasn't the only thing I was trying to investigate.

I was currently attempting to try and find out who killed my family, no. . . My entire bloodline.

My family was very well off and there was nothing but amazing people to me. They showed me what it meant to be a part of a real family, but all that changed in a singular day.

Where my entire bloodline, was wiped in one single day. Everything happened so quickly that I didn't even realise or understand who or what killed them.
But I knew how my parents died.

I watched them die in front of me because I was too weak to do anything. They got into a car crash and my parents instinctively helped me out of the car to save my life.

While I watched them burn in front of my eyes. All I could ever hear was their screams and cries of agony. It was the last thing that I heard from them because I was too useless and powerless to do anything to help them.

People told me I was just a kid so I couldn't do anything even if I wanted to but if only I was stronger, if I only I was quicker, just maybe. . . I would have been able to at least save them from the terror.

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