Chapter 1: Nightfall

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It was like any other day of school. You know, people talking, people laughing and people just being people. If anything it was exactly where I wanted to be. I couldn't think of being anywhere else.

School zoomed by as quickly as humanly possible. I didn't even know that could happen. Guess it was one of the few things that happens when you enjoy school, unlike other people.

There was one thing that I noticed that people rarely ever did. It was simply to take everything all in and have fun with what they were doing in the present. Now that was one thing everyone needed to do.

It was also the reason why so many people failed to notice the little details that were needed of people when it came to them. Now speaking of which. . .


I immediately evaded his punch grabbing him by the arm as I threw him onto the ground a bit too hard than I wanted.

That was going to leave a mark or two. But what did you expect? If he was going to attack me unexpectedly, he would deal with the consequences of his actions.

"Ow!" He winced in pain rubbing the back of his head.

I sighed smiling over at him, "You know Dick. . . If you want to land a punch on me, you need to do better than that."

He let out a cheeky smile shrugging his shoulders. "It was worth a try."

"Dick! Did you get him!?"


I blinked just looking at the person who had a proud look on his face as she took a photo, but only to realise that Dick was currently on the ground. A look of defeat was on my face.

"Does it look like I got him?" Dick groaned.

I chuckled snatching the Polaroid off of her and looking at the picture she had taken. "Woah. . . She' really took a nice photo of you." I gave him the photo.

Dick's face turned pale inspecting the picture. It was the worst photo of him known to mankind.

"Barbara! I told you to take it when I hit Jaxon, not when I'm on the ground."

Barbara pouted, "It's not my fault that you didn't land a punch!"

I watched the scene in amusement it was just two kids who were having fun with these little antics.

"You guys are so childish." I chuckled.

They both pointed their finger at me. "You're only 2 years older than us."

That was enough to keep me quiet for a bit.

"So what?" I smiled shrugging my shoulders.

Barbara playfully rolled her eyes looking over at Dick. "How many times have we been at this?"

"22 times. . ." Dick mumbled.

He had been at this 22 times and he was nowhere near the level that he needed to be to even touch me once. He was doing his best but other than that, he was failing miserably.

"One of these days I'm going to land a punch." He cheerfully smiled, with a glint of determination on his face.

I helped him get back up on his feet. "I have no doubts that you will. . . I'm looking forward to when you do."

"I'm going to go now, I missed my break for this." Barbara sighed waving at us before she left.

Now that it was only the two of us, I could tell that he wanted to say something to me.

"Do you think I'm ready. . ." Dick muttered lowly to me.

I knew what he was talking about and I also knew that was all he could think about. It was a big thing and it was reasonable why he felt the way he did.

All I could do was give him a comforting smile. "Trust me, he picked you for a reason." I nodded.

Dick shook his head with a self-deprecating smile. "He only chooses to me. . . Because you quit."

I placed my hand on his shoulder, "Trust me, Dick, you'll be fine, besides everyone there you already know them."

"I guess."

I could slowly see his resolve being solidified. Soon enough the bell rang.

"That's me." I nodded walking away.


I waited for what felt like hours but was only a few minutes outside the Wayne Manor.

I was hesitant to even walk in, but I knew that there was no point in feeling like this.

I entered the manor to see Alfred already waiting for my presence.

"Master Jaxon." He bowed, "It's always a pleasure to see you."

"Likewise Alfred." I smiled. "Is Bruce here?"

Alfred nodded his head as he led me to the bat cave.

The bat cave never changed all too much, every time that I went here of course. It was the same usual dark eerie gothic place that a random person would never dare to enter.

But I wouldn't exactly call myself normal in the slightest way. As I walked closer to Bruce who was currently sitting on his usual chair looking at the screen that was every tech guy's dream, I couldn't help but feel as though something was going to happen.



I looked over my shoulder to see a batarang denting the wall. If my gut intuition didn't tell me that something was wrong, I would've been dead.

"Your reflexes need a little bit of working," Bruce commented walking to me.

"Thanks for asking if I was okay." I sighed looking at me as he was practically towering over me.

One of these days I would be looking at him at eye level. I couldn't wait for that day to happen.

"I just wanted to stop by and say that I'm officially done with all of this. Done with this superhero life you know. . ."

I was expecting at least a reaction, a smile, a hint of sadness but with that mask he was wearing I couldn't see a single thing.

Something told me that even without his mask off he would still react the same way.

I took a deep breath, "Well that's all I wanted to say, goodbye."

I turned my back on him walking away. Was it weird for me to expect that Bruce would call out my name and say something, but of course that was a foolish expectation that would never happen.

Bruce had always been like this. Always so cold and distant to everyone that he was around. It was just who he was as a person and there was simply nothing that I could even possibly do about it.

I didn't want to do anything about it anymore. That would be Dick's job.

Because from here on out, I would no longer be a superhero to anyone or anything. This was the. . .


Young Justice: NightfallWhere stories live. Discover now