Chapter 2: Dedication

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Gotham was something that I was always fascinated by.

It was always like this. . . The crime, the terror and the destruction. From what I remember there was a time when Gotham was a peaceful sort of utopia.

I barely had a taste of that utopia.

But I assume you know the rest of that story. At least all the crime usually happened at night so the people of Gotham were out and about in the morning. Doing all of the things that they needed to do before it turned dark.

I waited patiently sitting as a man with glasses looked over at him with a cigarette in his hand as the fumes came travelling to my nose.

"Sorry about that." He had a small smile on his face.

"You must be Jaxon?" He shook my hand.

"That's right!" I smiled brightly looking at his badge and reading his name. "Commissioner Gordon."

It was pretty obvious to me who he was related to.
It didn't take some sort of genius to figure that one out for themselves.

"Why don't we talk in my office?"

"Right, sir." I nodded as he led us the way eventually making it to his office.

He looked at my file taking every little detail into account.

Gordon looked up from the file, "So you're a Storm?"

"That's right sir." I nodded my head.

His eyes had a twinkle of sadness to them hearing that confirmation of mine. "It's unfortunate about what happened to the Storm Bloodline years ago. . . Gotham is forever indebted to them."

It wasn't something that I didn't want to be brought up again but it was whatever.

My bloodline; everyone that I knew was wiped out when I was just at the fine age of  10.

"I am especially sorry for what happened to your family."

I had heard that same line by everyone to the point that I couldn't care anymore. It was the only thing that people said when they first encountered me. It was like there was nothing else to say other than that.

But of course, there were still scars about what happened on that day. I was only 10 after all.

"It brings me to my first question." Gordon declared. "Why do you want to be a detective."

There was only one reason why I wanted to become a detective. It was a simple reasoning.

"It's what everyone wants to do. Protect and serve justice." I smiled happily.

Gordon nodded tapping his finger on my file. "You're a 15-year-old who has yet to finish school and you wish to become a detective? A profession that puts your life on the line."

When he said it like that, it was pretty damn stupid for a 15-year-old to try to get into this profession. It was unwise and all the signs said for me to drop this.

But I knew what I wanted and I exactly wanted this to happen. It was one of the only ways to achieve justice without being a superhero. I had already made up my mind.

"I want to become a detective. . . I intend to become one to protect the people of Gotham."

"I see. . ." Gordon nodded his head with a faint smile on his lips. "Normally a 15-year-old boy would have been rejected and I wouldn't have even bothered with talking to you in the first place. . . But it seems you have some connections."

"Connections." I raised an eyebrow.

He threw the file onto the table and as I grabbed a hold of it myself, I noticed who this was signed by.

"The Bruce Wayne Corporation personally vouched for you to the GCPD." He added. "Of course, you'll be doing the basic training necessary and you'll have to be partnered up with a mentor, but other than that. Welcome to the team." He extended his hand out.

"Thanks." I shook his hand.

Not only was I thanking Gordon. . . But I was also thanking Bruce for this.

I didn't know why he would go out of his way to do this but I was glad nonetheless. I was grateful actually.


A couple of months had passed and I was deep into training. The training was a whole lot different but it was nothing that I couldn't handle. After all, I wasn't Batman's sidekick for nothing.

Most of the training was fairly easy, but the only thing that was hard to use were guns. I never used a gun when I was with Batman but now that I wasn't Robin anymore, I could use whatever I wanted.

Guns were an interesting thing. I learnt the basic mechanism on how to use one but I knew they would be a last resort type of thing.

I was employed to do a couple of small investigations that I was more than happy to do. Even if some rookie investigators would find small investigations a bit boring I was more than happy to do them.

In my mind, nothing was too small that I couldn't handle. In actuality, I was sort of happy that I wasn't dealing with people who were constantly trying to kill me all the time.

Penguin, The Riddler, Bane. . . Just to list out a few. They were dangerous and I didn't even name the ones that frightened me the most.

I was glad that I could just relax a bit and I could put my skills to good use somewhere else.

During my time here I saw Dick embracing the role of the 2nd Robin with Batman stopping crime. It was what I exactly expected from Dick.

I saw the potential that he had and he was playing the role of Robin as well as anyone could do.

I hadn't been at Wayne Manor or spoken to anyone there while I had become an investigator. There was also a chance that I may have the potential to become a private investigator for the GCPD. A dream coming true.

But for now, I would continue striving as an investigator working hard to become the best in my department.

That would be my main goal. In my opinion, this was just as equally good as protecting Gotham on the other side of the force. It would be helpful to use my sheer. . .


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