Chapter 722: Chaos in Bland City

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Souta’s eyes could see the people that were fighting. Although his vision was filled with mana, he could still see those people.

“Hahaha, a group of people is attacking this city. It seems that this will be the first job of Nine Heads.” He laughed lightly as he glanced at the people around the room.

Ray looked deeply at him before he nodded. “Seventh Head is right. I don’t know what they are planning but to think that they would attack the Bland City out of all cities.”

“Is this related to the other City Lords?” The Second Head asked calmly.

“Perhaps.” The Third Head answered.

“We’ll know it once we captured them.” Jovi, the Fifth Head, said with a light smile.

“Hihi, we should fight them together or you’ll handle this alone, First Head?” The Ninth Head said with a laugh.

“To avoid further casualties, it’s better if we work together. What’s the point of forming the Dragon Council if we’re not going to help each other? Since they dared to attack this place even though most of my subordinates are here, it means that they are prepared.” Ray said.

The others nodded at his words.


Everyone looked up as they felt a large concentration of mana descending toward the City Hall.

“Let me handle this one. You guys can go now.” The Eight Head said as his body bulked up instantly. His energy rose as he shot through the roof.


Ray and the rest looked at each other. They knew what they have to do.


Their figures shot through the windows as they flew in different directions.

The guards of Bland City were fighting the unknown people that suddenly launched an attack. Even though they had an advantage in numbers, they became passive in battle. Why? It’s simple. They had to protect a large number of civilians.

The attack was too sudden and hundreds of civilians already died in just a short amount of time.

So the guards divided their forces. The first group was going to hold the attackers while the second group was going to help the civilians in evacuating.

At this moment, Souta landed on the rooftop and observed the city. A total of two hundred and thirty-five experts were on the enemy’s side. While Bland City had triple the number of forces but since they had to protect the civilians, they couldn’t perform to the best of their abilities.

‘Once the civilians are out. The soldiers of the Governor could easily annihilate this group of people.’

He rubbed his chin and turned his head to the city walls. A lot of soldiers tightened their guards on the wall in case someone attacked.

‘But two hundred twenty-five experts… The soldiers on the walls didn’t even notice them entering the city. How?’

Souta shook his head and smiled, “I’ll just capture one of them and ask. Maybe, they knew about the Murder Society or the culprit behind the assassination.”

Suddenly, he felt intense cold behind him. When he turned around, he saw a blueish energy rushing in his direction with thousands of ice particles.


Amune and the chubby man glared at the figure standing in the hallway. The figure was an old man with a wrinkled face and he had a pair of antenna sticking out on his forehead.

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