Chapter 619: It's the start...

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Two weeks had passed in the blink of an eye. Souta stayed inside Saya’s inner consciousness. All he did was trained the manual he received from Athena.

It was called [Hidden Concealing Method].

It was a high-level skill and its only purpose was to hide the unique presence of Cosmic Body. It took him a total of forty days inside Saya’s inner consciousness before he managed to learn it.

Now that he learned this skill, it was safe to say that he could escape the perception of Zodiacs to some extent. Of course, the perception of Zodiacs was unimaginable so he better not get close to them as there’s a chance that they would discover him.

Just like what Athena said this skill was not perfect. After all, Zodiacs were all high level gods and who knows what sort of trick they were hiding.

“As long as I don’t encounter Zodiacs…”

He used forty days to learn this skill. The remaining time was for him to familiarize himself with his new skill set. The combination of his [Blood Reign] and [Element Drive] gave him a new height in his combat prowess.

Using blood as a medium to create a combo skill was indeed terrifying.

Souta glanced at Yenxa.

“Can you do it?”

Yenxa shook her head with a disappointed look.

“I’m sorry, My Lord. I think that it would still take a lot of time.”

Souta smiled and he ruffled her hair.

“Don’t worry. Just move at your own pace.”

He thought that he could promote Yenxa to third stage but it seems that seventy days of intense training weren’t enough. At the very least, Souta felt that she reached the limit. She would hit her third evolution soon.

Yenxa should be able to reach third stage. She just needed some stimulation just like what happened to Yuko back then. Yuko unexpectedly evolve when they were battling in the Blue Lawless City.

Life and death battle was really effective.

“Seventy days had passed inside Saya’s inner consciousness but only two weeks here. I wonder what they are doing.”

Souta stretched his hand as he left his room with Yenxa. He found that Isabella was the only one inside their base.

“Where are they?”

“Umm… They are on a mission. They left four days ago.”

“Oh,” Souta understood. It seems that they couldn’t wait for him so they took some missions for themselves.

Nevertheless, four days ago…? Maybe, the difficulty was quite high. He understood as it took him almost two weeks to complete the mission in Halbun Dukedom.

Souta sat down on the sofa and looked at the ceiling.

He had nothing to do.

He just finished training so he wanted to go out after burying himself inside Saya’s inner consciousness for a long time.

He turned his head to the side, looking at the banner with Athen’s Champion symbol encrypted on it.

Second Class Yellow Squadron.

It’s still the same.

The rank of their circle haven’t changed but he guessed that they were close to their promotion.

First Class Yellow Squadron and next is Third Class Blue Squadron.

Two promotions and he would be able to take one visit to any sub-world under Athena’s control.

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