Chapter 650: War in Subterranean World: 1 vs. 12

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The warriors of the Fourth Set were looking at the transparent barrier that was covering the Aekr Republic.

One of the warriors stepped forward and tried to touch it. But something forced his hand away as electricity flowed through the air.

It was a barrier made to prevent them from entering the Aekr Republic.

“Go and check out what’s happening on the surface.”

The leader of the warriors from Fourth Set said.

The Red Matter Association’s plot was something that they didn’t expect so they had to prepare themselves. Since they couldn’t provide backup to the warriors inside the Aekr Republic, they had to make sure that everything was fine outside.

Who knows if the Red Matter Association will attack the warriors on the surface?

“Also, if the warriors on the surface are fine then call the Sky Avenue and ask for more reinforcement. Ask them to call the warriors on the other side of the portal.”

“Yes, sir!”

The leader of the group took a deep breath. He looked up at the barrier with a grave expression.

“For now, let’s try to break this barrier. It’s tough but I don’t think that it can hold us for a long time.”

He just hoped that nothing bad would happen inside the Aekr Republic. The main force of the Third Set of Pallas Division was inside so it should be fine. Even if there’s danger inside, they could probably last for a long time since there’s a lot of strong warriors in Third Set.

The western part of the Aekr Republic was devastated. The warriors of the Athena in this region had mostly died.

Souta was in this region and the whole place was strangely silent. Dead bodies of civilians and warriors were scattered across the land.


The ground shook heavily and a pillar of energy surged upward in a distance.

“What?! This level of energy… Someone is fighting a Grain Leader?”

And from the looks of it, it wasn’t an ordinary Grain Leader. This energy fluctuation must be coming from the Third, Second, or First Grain Leader.

The power level of these three people was entirely above the rest of the Grain Leaders. They were just lower than the Chief Captain.

“If that’s the case, then the high-level experts of the Red Matter Association must be here… The executives… A lot of our warriors’ mana pools are sealed so they must be thinking that they could cut down our forces.”

The north, south, and east region of the Aekr Republic had become a battlefield. The western region, where Souta was situated, became hunting of the Red Matter.

The warriors in this region didn’t have any high-rank warriors so they couldn’t fight back against the Red Matter. Although it became like that, the powerful members in this region had left already to support their people in destroying the Athen’s Champion in other regions.

In their minds, the warriors in the western region were done.

That’s the reason why Souta couldn’t sense a lot of living creatures within the range of his [Crimson Perception].

‘I don’t think you should join the battle there… It’s too dangerous…’ Saya said in his mind.

‘Yep, I don’t think I could provide much support to them. If that’s the case, I’ll just clean up this region, no, I should find a way to counter the sealing runes.’ Souta replied to her.

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