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GABRIEL PANICKED AS HE MADE, eye contact with the ravenette that stood still, a threatening yet stern look on his face while he had the stare down with the other man. The shorter teen couldn't put into words what he wanted to say to defend himself, so by now he was just stuttering, wondering what he did to deserve the moment he was having. He looked to Y/N for approval, but she just stared at the floor, only proving even more to him that she desperately needed to get out of Phoenixes psychological hold.

"Hm??" Phoenix hummed, the hum in his throat sounding as if he didn't have a care in the world but the look on his face proving otherwise. He knew he was intimidating him, and although he got off on that, he also wanted an answer from the brunette before he bashed his face in with nothing but his fist.

Clearing his throat as his deep eyes darted towards anywhere but the taller teen that towered over him with the same hard stare from before, Gabriel continued stammering over his words before he blurted out the first thing he could think of "I.. was.. I was just talking to her about a project."

Phoenix clenched his jaw, his blue eyes dropping as he did this. He didn't know why Gabriel was acting as if he was stupid, and it really touched him the wrong way, "Why lie to my face? I heard everything, so if I were you, I'd be completely honest with me."

"I was being honest..." the brunette muttered while he slowly backed up against the wall behind him, noticing that the blue eyed man didn't even bother taking any steps towards him. For some reason, that only made him feel so much more worse on the inside, but he just gulped, trying to conceal his fear even though it was obvious to everyone.

"I want to know the truth. What is going on with you, August, Isabel, and whoever else you guys are trying to recruit into the little cult you guys created?" Phoenixes voice grew raspy, and the only time he moved a muscle was when he went to stand infront of the nervous Y/N that simply backed up, her fingers crossed, praying that he wouldn't do anything to get into trouble.

Gabriel tilted his head and his back finally met the wall. He didn't say anything about that, he just pursed his lips, his chest rising and lowering with the same gaze that stayed on him, analyzing his every move, "Cult? We aren't creating a cult."

This is when things started to get amusing to the ravenette, and he couldn't do anything but strain his eyes while a deep chuckle left his chest, confusing the brunette. He didn't know Phoenix was trying to calm himself down, "Oh, but you are. You're manipulating my Y/N into believing I'm some psychopath so you guys can drag her into whatever little group you're in and sacrifice her, aren't I right?"

Wincing at the fact that Phoenix called her his, Y/N frowned and looked back up, only to see that Gabriel was up against the wall, his body practically trembling but his stare still going strong. She felt so bad, she felt like her legs were crumbling from the embarrassment she was feeling.

"Tell me. What do you really want with her, hmm?" Phoenix took a step to the side and made brief eye contact with the H/C haired woman that sent him pleading eyes that he quickly ignored, and before she knew it, he shot his hand out and aggressively wrapped it around her throat, pulling her up to him in the process, "Do you want to fuck her?? Is that it?"

The shorter male felt his eyes widening some more, and his body grew hot, and not in a good way. He was in a predicament he didn't know how to get out of, "What? No...! I don't want to do anything like that, I-"

"Because you can have her!!" Y/Ns gasp was cut short the second she was tossed over to the brunette like she was nothing. She huffed out in disbelief before she turned herself around, watching Phoenix take his eyes off of her to stare at the shocked Gabriel that didn't know what to do. For some reason, she felt like she was betrayed right then and there, and all of the good she had thought about the ravenette immediately vanished like it didn't exist in the first place.

Shaky breaths getting even heftier, Gabriel then helped Y/N adjust herself before he turned her back around, making her face the man that just shoved her away to him, "Oh... No, I'm okay...! She's all yours..!"

An unimaginable amount of rage filled through each of Phoenixes veins as he saw the shorter man wrap his slender fingers around Y/Ns shoulders, an awkward grin on his lips. He wanted nothing more than to leave so badly, but he didn't want to get himself into anything violent, "If she's all mine then why are your hands on her."

That's when Gabriel snatched his hands away from Y/N, his eyes deeply staring into Phoenixes once he finished that action. He just backed up and scrunched up his face, trying to make it obvious that he didn't want anything to do with him or her through his body language.

"Come here." Phoenix pushed his hand out to the girl that winced yet again before he pulled her behind him. He started making his way over to the shaking man that could only place his hands up to the sides of his face. He didn't want any trouble, and the taller teen could tell, but he didn't care. He didn't want him to lay a finger on Y/N, and yet he did. It wasn't like he knew that though, he was just making sure she was okay.

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