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ISABEL JUST WANTED TO RUN, away from her boyfriend once she felt his large hand wrapping around her skinny wrist. She wished that August would've stayed quiet about their conversation from before, but she wasn't even mad. She was just disappointed in him because she assumed that he'd keep their conversation they shared their secret, but boy was she wrong since she was was currently being dragged into a classroom by Phoenix.

She just closed her eyes at the feeling of the man gently shoving her in the room before he swiftly walked through the large crease he'd created, and once he was in the room alone with the blonde, he closed the door shut, letting a slam come from that action.

Isabel balled her hands up into fists before she stared up at the man that only leaned his back against the door while he crossed his arms over his chest with a look of anger over his face.

The girl had never felt so intimidated by her boyfriend in her life until now, so she figured she'd lie since she didn't know what else to do, "Phoenix... I.. I don't know a Y/N... He was just-"

"You told me not to lie... And now you're gonna lie right to my fucking face??" He spat, his head tilting up as he looked down at the female with complete disgust in his intimidating blue eyes.

Panicking at the tone and unexpected curse from her boyfriend, Isabel felt her lips trembled before she put her fingers up to her pale hair, allowing it to dance between her middle and index fingers. "I w-wasn't, I.... You're misunderstanding this whole thing, Phoenix!!"

"Tell me another lie. I dare you." His eyes went a shade darker and he didn't even look mad anymore. His entire facial expression dropped and that somehow made him look even more scarier.

"Phoenix, please...!!" The woman's voice was already cracking, and she felt so embarrassed to be seen this way by the dark haired teen, but she had too many thoughts going through her mind that she didn't think that one was very important compared to the others.

"Please what, huh?? I told you that I don't know anyone by the name Y/N, didn't I?" Phoenix dropped his arms to his side, his back still on the door and his face lacking any sign of emotion.

Isabel gulped and backed away a little, assuming that he was going to try to get to her since he let his arms move to his sides, "Please, just... Please.. c-calm down..."

Chuckling at his girlfriend that picked at strands of her hair, that's when Phoenix finally leaned up from the door, scaring the blonde even more. "What..? I'm calm... If anything, you need to calm down,"

"Fuck it!! I.. lied! I lied, okay?? I went out looking for Y/N because I didn't like the fact that you moaned her name while you were fucking me!! And.. I- I wanted to know who she was because I thought you were cheating on me...!! Is that so bad...?! Y-You'd probably do the same for me-"

The male turned his head to the side a little, his dark strands of his slightly brushing against his forehead as he did so, "What? I would never. You're nothing to me, Isabel. How don't you see that?"

"H-Huh...?" She bit on her bottom lip, her eyebrows moving inward as she only felt her legs turning into actual jello.

Phoenix just stood in his same exact spot while he looked Isabel up and down like she was garbage, "You heard me, you fucking brat. I don't love you. I never fucking have. You do nothing to me. It's like.. you're just an accessory... or.. some kind of fucking puppy."

"So.. you.. s-said her name... and you don't love me... Do.. do you love her..?" Isabel genuinely felt her heart crumbling down inside of her chest, and she was making that obvious, which was something the boy didn't like.

It seemed like she was making him out to be some big bad monster in his eyes, but she didn't have to make him out to be anything of the sort, because he she didn't realize that he was twice as bad as the big bad monster she had in mind.

The man faked an even deeper look of disgust and he pulled the ends of his lips downwards, "What?!! No!! I don't.. like Y/N!! That's disgusting! Never say some shit like that again..."

"So why can't you love me...? I spoke to her, and.. she doesn't even like you!! N-Not one bit! So why did you say her name..?!" She choked out, trying to ignore the tears that blinded her eyesight.

Phoenixes body Shut down for a split minute at the thought of Y/N actually not liking him even after all of the stuff he'd done to her, but he shook his head and got rid of those thoughts immediately. "Shut the fuck up.... You don't know anything about me, or Y/N... So stop acting like you fucking do."

There were loud whined that managed to escape out of the blondes throat, and Phoenix only grew annoyed by her even more, "No, I know...! I was just saying-"

"We're done." He kept his composure and sucked in his breath, his jaw clenching once again and his eyes becoming dull as usual.

"What...?! No!! No, Phoenix...! You can't leave me..! I was just.. I wanted to see if you guys were dating, and... You guys aren't, so-"

"You don't trust me. What is our relationship without trust....? Or love...?" Her heart shattered at the sound of her now ex boyfriend questioning her love for him because if she didn't love him she wouldn't be with him at that very moment.

Now not afraid of what the man was going to do to her, Isabel walked right up to the male and pushed her hands out to him, "I do love you! I really do, Phoenix!!"

"I know. I just don't love you. It's like I said. I never have.. and I most likely never will." There was some smugness in his voice, but he still didn't have any expressions laid out on his face so Isabel was having trouble trying to even understand how he truly felt.

"But you..." She whined out once again before she let her hands drop as she turned herself around.

The dark haired teen followed the females every move, and soon enough, she was pacing around the classroom with salty tears going down her puffy red cheeks, and he didn't even feel bad at the sight he'd created.

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