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PHOENIX SLID THE COIN INTO, the palm of Y/Ns hand with his eyes still on hers while she just eyed down the coin that was now seated in her hand like nothing. She didn't know what she was going to make the dark haired boy do, but she also didn't want him to be the first to give her a dare, so she just pursed her lips before she put her fingers up to the warm coin until she swooped it up in her other hand with a hun at what she was going to do with the male that calmly waited for her words.

Y/N breathed to herself for a quick second before she slightly pushed her hand up to the ceiling, the coin finally flipping out of her hand and up into the air while both her and Phoenix glanced up at it, watching as it landed back into the palm of her hand, "Uhhh.. Wait, so do I just-"

"Don't flip it over yet." The man ordered as he whipped his head back up towards the confused H/C haired teen that only perked out her lip, unsure of what she was supposed to do, "You usually give the dare first, but... You flipped first. Now, give me a dare..."

Phoenix glanced down at the coin, Y/Ns hands slowly moving away from it due to his hard stare that was on her hands before she saw that it was showing heads.

"Uhhh.. I- I guess I dare you to.." she closed her mouth and tilted her head to the side, her eyes scanning all through the males droopy room until her eyes landed on a single dark book that sat on his dresser, "I dare you... to show me what's in that book.."

Raising her less dominant hand up to the black book behind Phoenix, that's when she pointed a finger at it while her bully only rolled his blue eyes at how timid she was being with him, "What book are you even talking about...??"

Once the dark haired bully was turned around, that's when he clenched his jaw and his eyes widened a bit at the book Y/N was currently pointing to. He cursed to himself for not putting it away, and that's when he knew he messed up really bad, "Oh... This old thing..? Uhhh.. are you sure you wanna take a look inside, I mean... I.. used to write and draw in it when I was like, fourteen, so..."

Y/N strained her E/C eyes at the male that seemed unusually nervous around her, and that's when she immediately knew that there was something very off about that book he didn't want her to get her hands on, "Yeah... I wanna see what's inside it..."

There was a audible wince that came from the taller teen that only pushed his arms up to his chest before he crossed them, his own eyes getting lower as he tensed up, "I don't really think you'll be interested in the things I used to draw... It was really nerdy shit-"

"But... you said no buts.." she cut the man off with a worried glimmer shining through her E/C eyes that grew a little darker due to the fear that flew past every inch of her body.

Shrugging at the female while he turned his head over his shoulder so he could make eye contact with the other nervous teen, a fake smirk growing over his lips as he tried his best to seem innocent, "Yeah, but you know... Only I'm allowed to-"

"Hey, th-that's no fair at all, Phoenix..." the woman cut him off once again, small steps coming from her except she wasn't walking anywhere near the man, she was moving backwards because she didn't know what he would do to her since she was building the courage to actually talk back at him.

Phoenix let a heavy sigh come from his throat, his head turning straight as he glared at the dark book he'd accidentally left on his dresser, causing Y/N to grow even more curious about what was inside of the book, "It's alright, just dare me to do another-"

"Okay, I'll dare you to do a different thing, but just know that if you dare me to do something too crazy, then I get to do what you just did."

Whirling himself back to the female so he could see every inch of her face, Phoenix narrowed his striking blue eyes with a scoff that made the girl in front of him slightly flinch back, "God, Y/N.... Do you really wanna see what's inside of this shit??"

"Mhmmm.." she murmured with her head nodding up and down by the man's words, her heart beating hard because she didn't know what to expect from the tall teen that had annoyance laid out over his features.

"Fine." He responded, his eyes getting lower while he turned on his heel and quickly shot his hands out to the book in front of him, grumbles coming from his throat before he snatched it back, seeing Y/N take yet another step back, only this time it was larger than the others from before.

Turning himself back around to meet Y/Ns nervous eyes, that's when he tossed her the book, watching the way she pushed her hands out before she pulled it back up to her chest, listening to the next word that left him, "Here.."

She wasted no time in opening the book to the first page, her eyes popping out of her head and her lips parted at what she was seeing. There was a long haired teen with deep blue eyes standing over a familiar looking redhead that laid in a pool of blood while the darker haired boy was holding a gun, "What the...?"

"It's me and August. I only made that to make him feel uncomfortable, and it was only a joke..."

Y/N gulped before she flipped right to the next page only to see a young girl with H/C hair and E/C eyes with a happy grin over her face while the blue eyed boy that seemed to be Phoenix stood right beside her with a head that had blood dripping down from it laying in the palm of his hands, "Ph-Phoenix...!!"

"What?" He shrugged once again, acting like the stuff in his book was normal even though he knew that just by Y/Ns reaction that it wasn't.

Turning the book to show Phoenix the thing he drew, there was a cringe that overcame every inch of her face, making him frown for a split second while he only kept his eyes on her every move, not even paying any attention to what was in the book as a sigh escaped his mouth, "What the hell is this...?! Is.. is this me??"

"Yeah, but you don't have to worry. I grew out of that phase." He mumbled to the female, his lips pursing while he raised an eyebrow at the girl that gasped out in disbelief. She didn't know how he could've thought something like this was so normal.

"I didn't know that people have a phase of murdering other people...!!" Y/N then whisper yelled to the male that calmly stood in front of her, the book turning back to her before she scanned her eyes all over it once again, noticing all the mini details that sat in the drawing he'd created. She didn't know how someone could waste such talent on something so creepy.

Phoenix didn't bother to say anything to the E/C eyed teen, he only balled his hands up into fists as he clenched on his jaw and rolled his now darkened eyes, knowing that she wouldn't understand him all that much, "A-And what the... I didn't even know we went to the same school...?!"

"It was a thing where I knew you, but you didn't know me... And come on, it isn't that bad, look at what I wrote."

"I will make you my wife forever. Then we can kill anyone that tries to break us apart. And we can do it together. No kids, no disgusting cats or dogs. Only us up on the balcony shooting at anyone that looks your way. I want the world to fear us."

There was a small lump that filled Y/Ns throat as she leaned her face back, the disgust on her face only getting worse as she gripped tighter on her book, "Isn't it cute?"

It was so hard for the woman to believe that Phoenix was actually a real person by now, but of course she still didn't want anything horrible to happen to her, so she just bit on her bottom lip and tried to think of a response for the boy, "U-Uhhhh..."

Shooting out his hands with a soft smile on his mouth, Phoenix egged a scared Y/N on so that she could pass him the coin since it was his turn, "Anyway, I dare you to take your skirt off, now you give me the coin."

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