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GABRIEL WAS ACTUALLY, shocked to see that Y/N was walking right toward him, but the look on his face only made her feel concerned. She was already filled with guilt since she knew Phoenix wouldn't like her talking one on one with him of all people, but it wasn't like he didn't feel that way about anyone else as well. She was just curious about what he wanted to say to her. She already knew the ravenette wasn't the best person to be around, but it was almost like she was used to it. Now she was just trying to figure out somebody else's thoughts.

While she walked up to the male, he clasped his hands together in victory before he placed one of the hands onto his chest, his breaths leaving as he did so, "You actually decided to come... What made you change your mind all of a sudden..?"

Y/N shrugged as she stood infront of Gabriel, her arms crossing of her chest and a bored expression coming over her face as if she was basically telling him to get to the point, "So. Why do you have me here? Am I here so you can talk shit about Phoenix?? Or am I here because you want to get at me in some kind of way...?"

Almost looking offended at the random attitude the erupted from the H/C haired teen, Gabriel furrowed his eyebrows and shook his head from side to side, noticing the way she softened her body language a bit, now realizing that her attitude just a minute ago was clearly unneeded since he wasn't there to do any of that, "What? No...! That's not why. I wanted to talk to you.."

"Okay, but about what? You're making this whole thing difficult." She just wanted him to get to the point, and although he wasn't stalling in anyway, she felt like he was. There was an unbearable feeling of wanting to disappear in that very moment coming over her and she didn't know how to stop it.

Sighing out, Gabriel eyed down the shorter teen, trying to see what the problem with her was. It was like she had a random mood swing, but he didn't want to make her even more upset by mentioning it so he just said what he had to, "Okay. Listen to me. I still don't think you and Phoenix should be anywhere near eachother, you want to know why?? He's crazy, and not the crazy you're thinking of. He has real issues that need to be fucking studied."

Finally putting her arms back down at her sighs, Y/N scoffed and rolled her E/C eyes while adjusting herself in her stance, the look on her face now showing annoyance, "You tell me that like I don't already know. I'm.. I have to heal him so he doesn't end up even crazier..."

"No, you really don't. You're only damaging yourself... He left August, crying to himself when he mom died, and did you even have a single thought about Isabel yet?" Gabriel watched as Y/Ns breath hitched at the mention of the blonde, and her body almost went limp from the single thought of her. She knew Isabel had issues, and she did think of her, but not as often as before and she started feeling guilty.

Lips parting, Y/N felt her words get caught up In her throat for a split second before she pursed her lips again and attempted to speak out for another time, "Isabel...? Right. You know about her too."

Gabriel almost felt horrible for mentioning her, and even thinking back to the times when he was not around to even speak on her, but he had to do what he had to do, he sensed that something insane was about to happen, and that's all because of what a familiar ginger had told him, "Um, yeah. Everybody does. Her and Phoenixes relationship wasn't that much of a secret, plus August told me everything. He's an evil and sick man, we just want you to be safe..."

"I.. think I'm far too deep in, now... I'm sorry to let you down like this. I don't want to get on Phoenixes bad side, you already know what he'll do to me." Now those words only made Gabriel feel even more sicker to his stomach, and he also believed it proved what he was saying.

"No, no. Y/N, I'm telling you, you can get out of this. All you need is some help, and we want to help you." He said, a look of worry flashing through his wide eyes.

Y/N, still not seeing how she could get out of this, just looked down at the floor, gulping at the possibilities of her being able to leave the ravenette. She actually didn't realize that she didn't like him all that much now that she was sure she had a scapegoat, "I don't know..."

All of a sudden, the woman felt her hands being taken by the brunette that stood infront of her, his head now tilted to the side, "We can help you..."

"You can help her with what? She seems perfectly okay to me." There was now a new voice heard between the two, and Y/N saw Gabriel go pale right before his eyes before he pulled his hands back with his body already beginning to tremble a little. Of course he didn't want to show that to her, so he just took a step back, still trying to look as if he wasn't afraid.

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