Chapter 11- If Only

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Sakura's feet left deep imprints in the path as she funneled her frustration to her feet in the form of chakra. It had been days since Hibiki had confronted her and she was still angry. Partly because he was interfering in every aspect of her life. Partly because she wasn't sure he was wrong.

"That's some pretty impressive stomping you've got there."

Kakashi's lilting, teasing tone drew her out of her funk enough to turn and smile at him. "Kakashi-sensei."

"Sakura, we are equals— oh never mind. You never listened that well anyway."

His lighthearted, but accurate joke brought a grin to her face. It also gave her an idea. "Can I treat you to a cup of tea and some dango?"

Kakashi's visible eye lit up. "Does this have anything to do with the rumor I hear about you and Itachi?"

An exasperated sigh escaped Sakura but she nodded. "I need your thoughts."

"Well, far be it from me to pass up a chance to offer useless advice."

As they wandered toward the dango shop Sakura explained about Lady Tsunade, Mikoto, and the fake mission. How by the end of it she and Itachi had both decided they wanted to pursue a relationship together. At the dango shop, Kakashi stopped, holding up one finger.

"Let me guess, one of the elders is causing trouble?" He frowned and then followed her to a table.

Once they'd ordered she met his gaze. "Yes. More trouble than you'd think a single man could cause."

"I don't know about that. Remember Danzo?"

Chills raced down Sakura's spine at the memory of the man who'd tried to destroy the village and hurt so many people. "Okay, more trouble than you'd think a typical man could cause."

"Sakura." A lightly feminine voice caught their attention from the street.

"Yes?" Sakura turned to answer. She was used to people stopping her at all times of the day and night for medical issues. Genma had once woken her in the middle of the night to heal him rather than deal with the duty medic at the hospital. It surprised her to see six Uchiha girls gathered behind the one who spoke to her. They weren't ANBU, judging from their appearance they weren't even ninja. "Can I help you?"

The young girl's eyes flashed red for a moment. "You can leave Itachi to me. I won't give up until he's mine. And my father won't either."

Hoshi. Sakura recognized her from Mikoto's party. The girls behind her spun their Sharingan at her in union, not attempting to use them against her. How was she supposed to deal with this?

She'd asked Lady Tsunade for advice and been told she just had to let it run its course. That no one had yet managed to force Itachi to do something he didn't want to do. Herself excepted of course.

It wasn't that Sakura was afraid of losing Itachi. It was the cost of their relationship that concerned her.

Could he love her and serve his clan the way he was expected and wanted to? Could their new love survive the lessons Hibiki, and who knew who else, seemed intent on teaching them? And worse, Itachi had already said he wanted to marry her. Could their marriage weaken a clan that was struggling to keep up with the world around it?

"I have two pieces of advice for you." Kakashi looked at the girls gathered on the street and uncovered his sharingan, opening his eye only long enough to remind them of it. "First, if I hadn't surpassed Genin I wouldn't threaten the Hokage's apprentice. She will wipe the village with you, and, if you survive, your recovery will be long and slow."

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