Chapter 7- Getting to Know You

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It was with a skip in his step that Itachi led them out of the small village they'd stopped for lunch in. They were both munching quietly on the dango they'd purchased as they were leaving.

"Did you enjoy your lunch?"

"It was delicious. And this dango is amazing! Thank you for showing me the shop." Sakura smiled up at him brightly, her green eyes glowing.

Was it his imagination or had her attitude changed from this morning? She hadn't been distant this morning, but quiet and reserved. Over lunch, however, she was, he paused to try and pin down the emotion he felt flowing off her, radiating happiness. She was more beautiful than ever. It was unlikely many people saw her with her guard down as she was now. Itachi's heart warmed at the thought that she was opening up to him.

Well, if his mother had a plan for them and he was going to play into his mother's plan then he wanted to know something about the woman his mother had chosen for him.

"Can you tell me more about your work at the hospital?"

Sakura's already large eyes grew larger and she waved her hand dismissing his question. "My hospital work is boring. I'm sure you don't want to hear about it."

"No really, I'm curious. Before my schedule change, I hadn't realized how much time you spent there."

Sakura sighed, but her face lit up just a bit. "Well, of course, I treat patients. Mostly ANBU and Jonin who come home injured but there are a few special cases I'm called in on."

"Oh, so there are favorites in the village then?" Itachi teased her and quirked his eyebrow.

"Not really favorites. People with chronic or severe health problems, mostly." She shrugged one shoulder. "Shizune and I share the responsibility and consult Lady Tsunade when we need to."

"I see." Itachi waited for her to continue and when she didn't he prodded her. "Is that all?"

"No, but the rest of the work, well, it's not..." her voice trailed off.

"If you're going to say interesting you should let me be the judge of that. I did ask, this is your opportunity to see if you can bore an Uchiha." His lips fought the smile that wanted to spread them. Sakura's smile lit the path they were on. She obviously loved talking about her work.

"I do a lot of research."

"What sort of research?" He wondered if she could talk about the work she'd done with the foundation members and Akane. Or if she would.

"Well, I research antidotes, of course. Every time someone comes home from a mission poisoned and we extract it we save a sample of the poison. I analyze it, try to recreate it, and make an antidote for it. That way we have expanded our own poison arsenal, and equipped our medics with an antidote should they encounter it on a mission. I also research our own new poisons, and of course, make antidotes for them at the same time." She paused and shook her head. "You wouldn't believe how many ninja poison themselves during training."

"Really?" He glanced at her and lowered his voice. "Are you allowed to tell me names?"

"I'm sorry, doctor/patient confidence."

Itachi filed that information away for future reference. "Is that all?"

"The rest of my work at the hospital is routine stuff. Training new medics, updating patient files, and of course emergency care. All village medics, except Lady Tsunade, take shifts in the emergency room."

She hadn't mentioned Akane, which either meant she wasn't working with her anymore, or she couldn't talk about it.

"I also work with Akane Moreno and the foundation members who remained in the village. It's been a long road for many of them, but they are doing well."

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