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Predicting what would happen next was something I hadn't thought about. 

In that moment when I asked for him to kiss me, I didn't think of what it would lead too. Because in reality, I was too far gone and needing his lips against mine, no matter how truly wrong it was, was something I couldn't fight. 

It was obvious that I was scared of him, but I'd just be fooling myself even farther to try and say that was the reason I asked him to kiss me. It would be embarrassing to even try and admit that. He could see through that, he always could. 

I always thought I was so observant, and I genuinely did think so. 

But maybe it was my naivety that made it where I truly could not see...

Or maybe I always saw the warning signs and I chose to ignore them. 

Either way, I was just as fucking guilty. 

The moment those words left my mouth, his hand was around my throat and shoving me back in my seat, his lips smashing against mine so brutally that it took the wind out of me. He kissed so passionately and vigorously, like he was a starving wild animal, but I suppose he was. 

It was quick as he grabbed me by my belt and yanked me upwards, changing his position to accommodate my height. "Have you been with anyone, Seonghwa?" His voice was rough but his lips soft as they worked against my throat, I was pinned against the edge of my desk, his hands now on either side of me, trapping me in place. 


"Answer the fucking question." He nipped at my skin, making me jump. 

"Y-yes. I've been with people. I haven't for a while, but I-" I was rambling now, for some reason trying to come up with an excuse for the fact that I had slept with people. "I'm- sorry." Every word that left my mouth stumbled on the way out. 

"Then I hope you enjoyed yourself, because that is the last time someone else gets to have you, am I making myself clear?" His voice was low, his breath brushing against my ear. It sent electricity down my spine. "Answer me now, do you want this?" He asked, his hands slipping to my belt, his fingers staying there for a moment as he waited for my answer. 

I shouldn't. 

God, I really shouldn't have wanted it so badly. 


That's what I was. 

Absolutely and truly pathetic for Kim Hongjoong. 

"Yes." I answered, furthering the hole I continued to dig myself. If rational thinking could be so easily swallowed up by desire, maybe giving into it wasn't such a bad thing. 

He undid my belt quickly and with master expertise, "Tell me how bad, Seonghwa. Let me know how badly you want me to fuck you." 

The tightening in my chest traveled to my gut, being so exposed by him was an insane experience. His hand wrapped around my cock, bringing it to full hardness in a matter of seconds. How I ever convinced myself that he wasn't something I wanted in this way was mind boggling. I truly was delusional, wasn't I? 

Because nothing, and I mean nothing felt as good as his hands on me. My whole entire body was on fire, my skin tingling wherever he touched. My brain was swamped by lust and any previous doubt I had was no where to be seen. 

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