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The months were going by smoothly. I couldn't have been happier if I was being completely honest. Not even the sound of people choking on their own blood lifted my spirits as high as being around Park Seonghwa.

He was perfect, in every way possible, and I was obsessed. My delusions were soon becoming more and more of a reality.

Seonghwa had been paying more attention to me, and I was elated. It definitely had something with me becoming a teachers pet. He must've been the first teacher who had half of his students fighting for that position.

But I got it because I was the only goddamn student who knew the material like the back of my hand. Not to mention, it became clear that Seonghwa didn't care much for being praised and sweet talked.

I challenged him often, and I think he enjoyed proving that he could handle the challenges and explain more about the subject matter.

It wasn't hard to tell how much he enjoyed it. I mean, his face would light up the moment I asked a question, like he was preparing himself for a sparing match.

He always handled it perfectly as well, treating me like a person with inquiries instead of a disrespectful student who talked back.

He wasn't the first teacher I tried to ask a question to, and they shut it down immediately.

My grades never wavered. They stayed perfect each and every time. It was like I could tell which paper was mine when he was grading because he'd have that same smile on his lips. The same one he wore whenever he handed me the paper.

I was usually the first to get to his class and the last to leave. For the first time in my life, I genuinely cared about doing well in school. And it wasn't like I was some mastermind who didn't even need to try, but I was someone who tried and who was good at learning.

My parents didn't understand why I was so focused on school, I had never been so focused on school. This was the first year I never missed a day. And every day, I looked forward to my last class.

I walked on the same path I did every day. It was the best path to take so I could have a smoke on my way. I'd usually stop right before I got on school property, so I didn't cause unnecessary trouble.

"You know cigarettes are bad for your lungs." A familiar voice said with a playful smile.

I tried to calm the rapid beating of my heart to recognize Seonghwa walking up to me.

I paused, my cigarette hanging from my lips, my lighter staying in position, ready to light the end.

I straightened a bit, pulling it from my lips so I could apologize, but he waved it off. "I won't tell if I can have one."

I felt like he must've been lying about being thirty. He looked so young. Maybe it was the early morning lighting and his relaxed expression, but he looked so full of life.

God, I wanted to bend him over the fence and fuck him raw.

I smiled back at him, pulling out my pack of cigarettes to let him grab one. "Is that manipulation, I hear, sir?"

He chuckled, "Shhh. Let me have my cigarette in peace."

I hummed, holding my lighter up to the tip of his, cupping my hand over the flame.

"Don't you know, sir?" His eyes flickered to mine curiously. "Smoking is bad for your lungs."

His beautiful plump lips bloomed into a wide smile as he took a drag. "Ah, I must've missed the memo."

Fuck, I needed a taste.

"You know you don't have to call me sir. It sounds weird." He sighed, leaning against the fence, his eyes dancing around the beautiful sky.

"Are we on first name basis yet?" I asked, staring at his side profile. I've never met a man more handsome than the Park Seonghwa.

Nothing could compare to his beauty as his long black locks sweeped down, framing his cheeks.

He gave me a side eye, raising an eyebrow. "First names? I'm not sure. How old are you?"

"19." I answered easily.

He nodded like he already knew. "You have that aura."

"A nineteen year old has an aura?" I asked, smiling at how ridiculous it sounded.

"I'll stop there." He sighed teasingly.

"I gave you a cigarette." I deadpanned, my voice coming out more serious than the sentence needed it to be.

"See?!" He exclaimed, pointing an accusatory finger at me, but his tone and eyes were still light. "The other students don't take themselves that seriously. They are young, so they enjoy life. You, mister Kim Hongjoong, have an ego about you."

I blinked.

"I suppose you're right."

"And nobody says "suppose"." He then muttered, looking down to his boots, which put a natural pout on his lips.

Without thinking much about it, which could've been the biggest mistake I could've made, I blurted, "You're beautiful, you know that?"

His eyes went forward, his face remaining stoic, but I could see the faint dust of pink on his cheeks.

"I've been told." Was his simple answer.

I hummed again. "So, are we?"

"Are we what?" He asked. He had so much curiosity in his eyes. It was incredibly beautiful.

"On first name basis with each other?" I asked, my eyes locking with his.

"Hmm. I don't exactly like being called Mr. Park. That's my dad's name. And... I suppose that as my smoking buddy... you should be able to call me by my first name."

I tried to bite back the smile that was blooming over my lips. It was overwhelming how much joy I felt in this moment. It was such a small thing, but I've never felt happier.

I wonder if that's where the immature part of my brain came in. Being so excited for something like this.

I wasn't supposed to be like this. Being able to use his first name didn't mean he wanted to fuck me.

However, it did mean I was one step closer to me fucking him.

And for that....I couldn't wait.

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