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The weeks after the incident were enough to send everyone reeling. Considering there were about 100 or more witnesses to Tara's murder, there was no amount of money that could get Stephanie's charge off.

Her sentence was reduced down to five years, absolutely insane to me, but I thought it was fine, considering it was all orchestrated anyway.

The seasons were passing, and the year was coming closer to an end. I didn't have as much time as I did before to set everything the way I wanted it to.

Before, I wanted to create a bond with Seonghwa, have him love me on his own terms.

But the impending graduation made it clear that it was less likely.

So, instead, I took things into my own hands like I always needed to.

Finding comfort in him was easy. He was one of the first ones who tried to get out of his classroom and witness what was going on. And I was the one who grabbed him by his wrist and dragged him back in, pulling off my acting skills by explaining what happened.

He was horrified, as any sane person would be. And just when he was about to leave to sort some things out, I pretended to break down in the most realistic way I could.

I chose to ask him to stay, trying to admit that I needed someone right now as I watched everything unfold and I could do nothing to help...

And again, Seonghwa was way too nice.

He stayed with me for hours despite school being canceled. I even managed to fake a couple of tears in the chaos of it all.

And I could feel the shift between us since then, which I easily corrected. I didn't want him to look at me as someone he needed to take care of, asking for his pity was one thing, but it was another to ruin any possible relationship by creating the wrong dynamic.

So I checked in on him, making sure that he knew he had someone who'd make sure he was okay. Who understood that even though he didn't witness it, his position must've been just as horrifying to go through.

It came to me easily, considering I wasn't struggling myself whatsoever about what had happened. I genuinely didn't care that the bitch was dead. I had a hard time not bringing out a bat and trying to get candy out of her.

But Seonghwa genuinely cared about his students, and despite what she was wiling to do to him, he saw potential in her abilities.

I played it slow and smart, trying to be patient even though I knew I was losing time that I couldn't afford.

But I knew if I rushed things, everything would fall apart. He had changed a bit, becoming more gloomier but for the most part, he kept a kind face.

I continued to smoke with him, sharing cigarettes more often than not. I was subtle about it, and with his distress, it was easier for him to miss the signs.

It was more exhausting than I thought it would be. I wasn't the most patient person in the world, so trying to create a logical path for our relationship to grow in this way was complicated.

I laid down on his desk while he was working on his computer, looking at him upside down. I found out that he liked it whenever I did something he deemed cute, and as much as that was something I didn't enjoy doing, I'd do it for him.

He glanced at me momentarily, a fond smile playing on his lips as he saw what I was doing. "Class is over." He said, but his tone was still sweet.

I pouted at him. "But I'm bored at home. I like being here. You're not boring."

"All I'm doing is looking over the assignments that were turned in." He gave me an incredulous look. "How is this more entertaining?"

"Because I'm not alone when I'm with you." I sighed.

His fingers paused their movement against the keyboard. "Are your parents not home for you?"

I hummed, picking at my nails. "I live alone. I visit them from time to time, but they're usually busy with work, so I don't bother."

"You live alone?" He asked, leaning back in his chair, no longer interested in grading. I smiled at that, enjoying the fact that I had all of his attention.

"Of course. I'll be twenty in November." I answered, sitting up and propping myself up with my hand. "I moved out when I turned seventeen."

His eyebrows furrowed. "How do you pay for that?"

"Daddys money." I said in a childish voice but quickly went to talk normal. "I work for my father. So I have enough money for most things. I don't need much luxuries, so saving money is easy. I've been working for him the moment I could walk."

"You're exaggerating..."

"Nope!" I sang, spinning on the desk, so I was pointed in his direction. "I'm a very literal person, Seonghwa."

"Is that what you want? To work for your father?" He asked.

"I won't forever. He wants me to get married first, but when I do, I'll get the business." I sighed. "I'm content with the life I have. I just wish to find someone. My person."

"Who would be that someone for you?" He asked.

I stared at him, wanting to just blurt it out and ignore being patient. I wanted to push him back in his desk chair, straddle his lap, and palm him until he came in my hand, devouring his neck while I listened to the sweet sounds he'd make.

Instead, I smiled easily at him, tilting my head to the side. "I'm still looking for him."

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