Chapter 16

408 16 15

A/N: I could have gotten the time differences wrong between Austin, Texas and Venice, Italy, so just bear with me if the time differences are wrong.
I did check online to see if it was right but, once again, could be wrong :)

Also while I'm adding an A/N at the start, I just want to let readers know on here that I will be publishing less often now since I need to focus on exams. I will be publishing once a week, but it will alternate between this fanfic and another fanfic I have ongoing!



Okay, I'm messaging you first just because I don't know what time it is for you right now and I don't want to like accidentally wake you up!

I got back in Texas 20 minutes ago, but I'm home now! Boy, do I hate long flights...

It's 11:35am for me right now, Will

You sure you don't want to sleep or something first? Get unpacked?

Oh, I just really wanna talk to you! Plus usually I start getting all my things unpacked the next day after me and my mom have gotten home from the airport

Soo... we can call?

Facetime? xx

Uh, duh xx


Will looked at his phone, biting his lower lip as he was sat on his bed in his room. His phone began to ring, Nico was facetiming him. Will instantly answered and he felt his heart skip a beat when he saw Nico.

"Hi." Will smiled, admiring the male.
"Hi." Nico managed a smile.
Will studied Nico's face and Nico seemed to be doing the same with Will.

"Can I say that I already miss you?" Will questioned, tilting his head.
"Cause, I really miss you right now."
Nico let out a soft laugh and he rolled his eyes.
"Pfft, I really miss you too." Nico said, smiling at Will.

The two of them just looked at each other in a silence.
"... So, what are we?" Will asked.
Nico sighed out softly as he ruffled his hair.
"Well, Bianca keeps calling you my boyfriend since we've kissed like twice." Nico stated.
"Mmh...yeah, my mom would not shut up about our kisses." Will smiled at Nico.
"I felt very embarrassed on the plane."
Nico smiled.

"I mean, I'd really like to ask you out in a more... romantic setting but... I can't really ask you out on a date." Nico said.
"Well, we could have a phone date." Will shrugged. "But... I guess there isn't much we can do on a phone date, huh?"
Nico hummed.

"Hey, before I left, you said that you were scared." Will said.
"Like... do you wanna talk about all your worries for if we become boyfriends?"
Nico bit his lower lip.
"It's just... I have a bit of trouble trusting others easily. Y'know?" Nico questioned.
"Like, I've warmed up to you super quickly because, well, I thought you were cute and stuff... But we're like super far away from each other, Will."
Will hummed, nodding as he listened to Nico.

"I don't know. What if it doesn't work out? And plus, we won't be able to see each other in person for like a long time. What if I want you to hold me when I'm upset? What if I just... I don't know, want to kiss you again? I can't. It's... I don't know how I feel about not being able to... be physical with you, do you know what I mean?" Nico frowned at Will.
Will sighed out softly.
"Yeah, I know where you're coming from." Will said.

"But... I think we can find ways of getting through this until... well, I don't know, you come to America? Since you were talking about going to college here."
Nico rubbed his neck.
"That's in a few years, Will." Nico stated.
"I don't... can we really last that long just... long distance?"
Will stared at Nico through his screen.
"I believe we'll make our way back to each other." Will smiled softly at Nico.
"And... well, it's worth a shot, isn't it?"

Nico stared at Will.
"... You're so optimistic." Nico mumbled.
"Haha, you're so pessimistic." Will grinned.
Nico smiled, rolling his eyes.

"So... will we give it a shot?" Will asked.
Nico stayed silent for a few moments.
"Let's give it a shot." Nico nodded.
Will smiled.
"So, we're officially dating?" Will questioned.
Nico bit his lower lip.
"We're officially dating." Nico smiled.
Will couldn't stop smiling.

"Woohoo! I have a boyfriendd!!" Will shouted out, a huge grin on his face.
Nico's cheeks turned red from embarrassment.
"Oh god, Will, please..." Nico whined, bringing his spare hand to hide his face in.
Will laughed as he watched Nico get embarrassed.
"Hey, you love me! Don't act like you don't like my goofy self!" Will exclaimed.
Nico himself couldn't stop smiling and he sighed as he looked at Will.
"... Yeah, I do love you." Nico said, admiring Will.

"Niccolo! C'mon! We have to go shopping!"
Will heard Maria call for Nico from somewhere in the house and Will furrowed his eyebrows as Nico sighed.
"I have to go. Shopping for school, yay." Nico grumbled, getting up from his bed.
"Awh, well, message me when you're back home." Will said.
Nico smiled at Will.
"I will." Nico said.

"Arrivederci, ti amo, Will."
Will bit his lower lip, smiling at Nico.
"Bye Tesoro, I love you too."Will said, waving at Nico.
Nico was reluctant but he pressed the hang up button. Will sighed out and he held his phone close to his chest.

Well, Nico was officially his boyfriend.

And speaking of going shopping for school, Will had to do the same thing soon...


Word count: 867

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