Chapter 15

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"I feel weird." Will said as he and Naomi walked up to the front door, and setting his bag down onto the porch.
"It's just a quick goodbye. I'll go in and thank Maria and Bianca for being so kind while I let you and Nico say your goodbyes." Naomi said, ruffling Will's hair.
Will scrunched up his face as he began to fix his hair as Naomi knocked on the front door.

The door opened within seconds and Bianca smiled at Naomi.
" Miss Naomi!"
"... Once again, ouch."Will grumbled.
"Ah, sorry Will!" Bianca grinned nervously at Will.
Will smiled slightly at Bianca.
"Can you get Nico to come out here to talk with me?" Will asked, tilting his head.
"My mom will just say bye to you guys while he and I talk."
"Mmh? Yeah!" Bianca nodded.

Bianca waved Naomi to come in and Naomi smiled as she stepped in, leaving her suitcase and bags outside with Will there.
"Nico! Come say bye to Will!" Bianca shouted.
Will fiddled with his hands as he heard some grumbling and scowling in Italian along with some footsteps.

Will blinked at Nico, who stepped out of the house and shut the door behind him. Will looked at Nico, he wore a baggy band t-shirt along with some shorts. Nico's hair was a mess and he seemed to still have the smudged eyeliner on his face.

"Hey." Nico mumbled, leaning against the wall.
"Hey." Will said, stuffing his hands into his pockets as he looked at Nico.
"You look... somehow attractive even though you're just in your pyjamas and day-old makeup."
Nico's cheeks turned pink and he looked away from Will.
"Oh my god..." Nico whined out, hiding his face in his hands.

"Nico." Will said.
Will took a step closer to Nico and he gently took Nico's hands away from his face. Nico looked at Will and Will gently held Nico's hands in his.
"T-the kiss-"
"Will, I'm sorry if that was inappropriate." Nico stated, looking up at Will.
"I mean, I just- eugh, I had to make a move on you before you could leave? And I'm not really good at expressing myself like verbally, and even with such actions like kissing you on the cheek was... way more than what I expected to do when I was thinking on how to make a move on you, and like I'm not fully sure if you like me-"

"I flirt with you like all the time." Will stated, raising his eyebrows.
"How can you not be fully sure that I like you?"
Nico shrugged at Will.
"Doubt? Anxiety? Insecurity-?" Nico began.
"Okay, I didn't need an answer, Tesoro." Will smiled softly at Nico.
Nico sighed out and he looked at their hands.

"You're leaving." Nico stated.
"This... this may not work out."
Will squeezed Nico's hands.
"I'm not going to force you to be in... a relationship with me." Will stated.
"But Nico, if you really like me, if you really want to try it out, then go for it. You may regret it if you don't."
Nico stayed silent for a few moments.

"... I don't know..." Nico mumbled.
Will gave Nico's hands another squeeze before letting go.
"That's fine." Will smiled at Nico.
"Let me know once you do know though, okay?"
Nico looked at Will's face and didn't see a hint of disappointment, he just saw... determination? Faith?

"Okay, we really need to go."
Will looked over at his mother who exited the house and grabbed her bags and suitcase.
"We all good here?"
Naomi glanced between Nico and Will.
"I guess, yeah."Will nodded.
Will reached down, grabbing his own bag and slinging it over his shoulder.

Will faced Nico again.
"... Arrivederci, Tesoro." Will smiled at Nico.
" A-arrivederci, Sunshine." Nico said, unsure if he liked how this would be the last time that he and Will would interact in person.
Will and Naomi both looked at each other and they turned around, walking off.

Nico fiddled with his hands as he watched Will take those few steps away and he groaned.
"Mmh--fuck, Will!" Nico called, quickly going after Will before they'd get further away.
"Nico, language!" Maria seemed to scowl as she was by the front door with Bianca, watching Will and Naomi leave too.

Will stopped and he turned around to face Nico.
"Uhm, yeah-?" Will began as Nico approached him.
Nico quickly grabbed Will's face and he reached up, while bringing Will's face down closer to his. Nico quickly pressed their lips together and Will was definitely surprised but he smiled, melting into the kiss. Unfortunately the kiss lasted a few seconds as Nico pulled away.

"I- fuck, okay, I do love you and I really want to be yours, I'm just scared and I just-" Nico began to ramble
Will gently took Nico's hands from his face and smiled at him.
"Hey." Will softly said.
"As much as I would love to talk this out and just figure everything out, I have to go back home. Can we call when I get back?"
Will tilted his head. Nico bit his lower lip.
"Yeah, okay..." Nico nodded.

"Just... one more kiss."
Will smiled widely and he sighed out.
"One more kiss." Will said softly as he leaned in.
Their lips met again and Nico's heart was going crazy. Will's stomach was filled with butterflies. They both were absolutely loving this kiss, but they pulled away as someone cleared their throat.
Will grinned sheepishly at his mother behind him.
"We need to go, Will." Naomi said softly.
"... Right." Will nodded.

Will faced Nico again.
"And, for the record, I love you too." Will grinned as he let go of Nico's hands.
Nico blinked and his cheeks turned red.
"Mmh... O-okay, bye, again." Nico said, looking away from Will.
Will smiled and he couldn't help but giggle.
"Pfft, bye Nico." Will said before turning around and walking alongside his mother again.

Naomi gently elbowed Will in the arm and Will didn't even mind his mother subtly teasing him. He was just happy that he kissed Nico.

Nico, on the other hand, felt extremely embarrassed as he went over back to his house and Maria was smiling at him while Bianca was grinning deviously at him.

"You made a move." Bianca stated.
"Yeah, twice now. No, actually three times now? If we're including the 'I do love you'." Nico grumbled, running his fingers through his hair.
"Oh, you're happy. Admit it. You have yourself a boyfriend~!" Bianca exclaimed.
"Not officially my boyfriend." Nico stated as he walked past his mother and sister to enter the house.

Nico was making his way back to his room and he couldn't stop smiling to himself as he could still feel the sensation of Will's lips against his.

It was so... so wonderful.

And Nico couldn't wait until Will would be able to call him so that they could talk.


Word count: 1166

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