Chapter 12

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Will made it up to the front door of Nico's place and knocked on it. Will fiddled with his hands as he waited for someone to come and get the door.

A few moments passed and the door opened. Will saw Nico and Will sort of froze.
"Wow." Will stared at Nico's eyes.
It appeared Nico let his sister give him smudged eyeliner and it went along with the outfit Will had told Nico to wear yesterday, the outfit which Nico bought.

Nico rubbed his arm.
"Uh... where's your mom?" Nico asked.
"Oh! Uh, she had to go a little early, but we can still head there early ourselves. Since I am her son and you guys are our guests." Will said.
"So, I'm just... going to lead the way, I guess."
Nico hummed and nodded.
"Well, my mamma and Bianca will be here in a few moments. They're just double checking they have everything they need." Nico said.
Will hummed, nodding.

Will looked at Nico once again.
"You look really, like, really nice." Will said, his cheeks heating up.
"Uhm... I was right, smudged eyeliner suits you."
Nico ruffled his hair and he smiled.
"Thanks..." Nico said, feeling a little nervous.

"How long is the concert going to be?" Nico asked.
"It starts at 6...lasts about 2-3 hours I think? So 8pm/9pm?" Will shrugged.
"And then afterwards we can meet up with my mom backstage, and then she has to do a few things before we could all leave together."
Nico nodded.

"And then... tomorrow you leave." Nico stated.
Will met Nico's eyes and Nico seemed to look a little... sad.
"I'll come over to say bye before we leave." Will smiled.
"I promise."
Nico hummed, nodding at Will.

"Uhm, so when I woke up, I saw that you deleted a message." Will said, changing the subject.
"What did you... what did you send me?"
Nico smiled at Will.
"It was just... something stupid." Nico waved his hand in dismissal.
"Oh, well I don't think anything you tell me is stupid-" Will began.

"Will! Hey!"
Will got cut off by Bianca who rushed to the door and her face was lit up until it dropped when she didn't see Naomi.
"Where's your mom?"
"First of all, ouch." Will frowned at Bianca, placing his hand over his heart.
"Second of all, she had to go set up things a bit early."
Bianca rolled her eyes and she stepped out of the house. Nico also stepped out.

"Where's mamma?" Nico asked, looking at Bianca.
"She's just getting the tickets." Bianca said, looking at Nico.
"So, do you know what songs your mom is going to play?"
Bianca faced Will once again.
"Erm, not sure." Will shook his head.
"Awh, well what about that one song where-?" Bianca began.

"Alright! We're all set!"
Will, Nico and Bianca looked at Maria who exited the house, shutting the door behind her and locking it.
"Will! Hello, as a thank you for helping out yesterday, I decided to pay you for all the hard work." Maria smiled, going over to Will and handing him a stack of 10 euros.

Will raised his eyebrows as he took the euros from Maria.
"This seems like a lot..." Will said, looking at the money and counting how much Maria had given him.
"Uh... Miss di Angelo, I can't accept all of this!"
"Sweetheart, please, it's also enough to pay for at least one of the concert tickets. I'd feel bad if I didn't-" Maria began.

Will took only a couple of the ten euros and stuffed them into his pocket before handing Maria the rest.
"I would feel bad if I took all of it. I took 30 euros, I'd feel bad if I took more than that." Will smiled at Maria.
"Will-" Maria began.
"Please." Will said.
Maria looked at Nico and Nico shrugged at his mother.
"Fine. I won't push you to accept more than what you're comfortable with." Maria sighed, shoving the rest of the money inside of her bag.

"Your mother-" Maria began.
"She had to go to the venue early. But we can still head there early ourselves. I'll lead the way!" Will smiled at Maria.
Will then turned away and walked off.

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