Chapter 10

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The two boys made it to the back of the restaurant and Nico placed his bag of the clothes he bought down somewhere before grabbing Will's bag and setting it down by his.

"Uhm... so are we going to talk any more about how you reacted when you found out I was leaving on Sunday?" Will asked as Nico went over to a corner of the room and searched for the uniforms.
"It's just... you're nice to hang around." Nico said, glancing at Will.
"When you leave, I won't... see you in person for like a long time. It'll be over the phone and I doubt that you would be on your phone all the time just to message me."

"And also the timezones are different, I don't know if we'd even manage to talk a lot depending on how far apart our times are and-"
Nico stopped as he felt Will's arms wrap around him from behind. Will gently pulled Nico closer and buried his face into Nico's hair.
"Relax." Will softly murmured.
"We'll figure it out."
Nico's heart was racing. Nico took a deep breath and his hands rested over Will's.

"Didn't you say you have cousins in America? How often do you contact them?" Will asked.
"Well, we don't talk like every day." Nico answered.
"Just... once a week maybe? And we don't really schedule a time to talk, we just send a message and if the other one is up and sees it, then...y'know, we either talk or just answer at very different times."
Will hummed.
"Well, we'll figure it out." Will said, squeezing Nico's waist gently.

Nico let out a sigh of content. He didn't mind being in Will's arms like this. Well... that was until someone cleared their throat from behind them. Will took his arms away from Nico and the two boys turned around to see Bianca holding the uniforms in her arms.

"... We're really busy, so if you could maybe flirt when you're not supposed to be working and get changed?" Bianca smiled as she chucked a uniform at Will.
Will clumsily caught the clothes Bianca threw at him.
Nico scowled at Bianca.
"Not flirting." Nico stated as he caught the clothing Bianca then threw at him.
"Uh-huh." Bianca raised her eyebrows.
"Hurry up. It's really horrible out there. And make sure you tell Will how things work before you let him go off on his own."

Bianca then left the back, going to the front and help with the chaos that was happening there.
Nico sighed as he instantly began to pull his t-shirt over his head, once he placed the uniform down.
Once Nico took off his t-shirt, he glanced at Will who was staring.

"Sunshine, get changed." Nico scowled, feeling his cheeks warm up as he began to get changed into the uniform.
"Ah right-!" Will cleared his throat, his cheeks turning red as he also began to get changed.

Nico couldn't help but glance at Will once he had taken his t-shirt off and noticed how freckled Will's skin was. Will glanced at Nico and Nico instantly averted his gaze. Will couldn't help but smile as he grabbed the uniform's shirt and slipped it on.

Will didn't expect to spend a day working at a restaurant while he stayed in Italy, but here he was.
All because he wanted to hang out with a boy he only had limited time seeing and actually talking to in person.


"That was hectic." Will sighed as he lifted up his bag of clothes he bought earlier.
"A lot of girls seemed to be into you." Bianca said, crossing her arms as she watched Nico and Will get their things.
Will raised his eyebrows at Bianca.
"I think you're lying." Will stated.
"Nah, a lot of girls were definitely staring at you." Nico said, looking at Will.

"And you were staring at Will a lot too." Bianca said, smiling at Nico.
Nico scowled as he glared at his sister.
"I was not!" Nico snapped.
"Don't act like you weren't! He can't even understand us right now. You found him attractive in the uniform, admit it-" Bianca began.
"Uhm, guys, English speaker here." Will raised his hand, waving it.
"Please don't have secret conversations in Italian about me in front of me."

Bianca smiled at Will.
"Sorry. C'mon, I'll walk you, along with Nico, back to your hotel Will." Bianca said.
"What? I can walk-" Will began.
"Alone? At night? No." Bianca shook her head.
"Our mamma will be fine locking up herself, and she would kill me if I didn't walk you back."
"... Okay." Will smiled at Bianca.

"Anything for my brothers-" Bianca began.
"I'm murdering you." Nico cut Bianca off, going over to her and shoving her out of the back.
Bianca laughed and Will furrowed his eyebrows but smiled as he followed behind Nico and Bianca.


"Alright! I'll let you two lovebirds say bye before Nico and I leave." Bianca smiled at Will and Nico as they arrived outside of Will's hotel.
"Bianca." Nico scowled, glaring at his sister.
Bianca grinned at Nico and ruffled his hair before she gave the two of them space, taking a few steps away from them.

Will and Nico looked at each other.
"My mamma will definitely bring you some sort of money tomorrow as a payment for helping out." Nico said, smiling at Will.
"God, noo, I was happy to help out for free!" Will exclaimed.
"You and your mother have already done a lot for us." Nico smiled at Will.
"Don't fight it, Sunshine."
Will smiled at Nico.

"Will we text when you get home?" Will asked, tilting his head at Nico.
"Yeah, of course." Nico nodded.
A small silence overcame them both.
"Uhm... so, why does your sister keep using that word lovebirds? Am I going to find out what it means?" Will questioned.
Nico bit his lower lip.
"No." Nico smiled at Will.
"At least... not now."
Will hummed.

"Well... I should let you get home, huh?" Will said, looking at the ground and kicking it with his foot.
Nico glanced at Bianca and Bianca was watching them. She raised her eyebrows at Nico, as if she wanted him to make a move on Will.
"We'll see each other tomorrow, Sunshine." Nico smiled at Will.
"I'll text you once I'm back in the comfort of my own home."

Will looked at Nico and smiled.
"Bye then, Tesoro." Will said.
Nico stood there for a moment, contemplating something. Will furrowed his eyebrows and Nico was about to take a step forward but he hesitated.
"... Arrivederci, Will." Nico said, quickly making his way over to his sister.

Will furrowed his eyebrows at Nico and watched as he went over to his sister. Bianca seemed to start scolding/teasing Nico in Italian and Nico seemed a little annoyed as he scowled back in their native language.
Will let out a soft sigh as he turned around and entered the hotel.

Will was desperate for a shower and to just lay in the bed while messaging Nico for the rest of the night.


Word count: 1198

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