The Crazy Ex

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Opening the door to the James house, Olivia looked at Tricia like she was crazy.

Why are you here ?  Oh, did you not comprehend the little conversation at the Navy Peer?

Did you need something, says Olivia. I want to talk to Spencer, says Tricia.  Spencer is around the corner listening to the conversation. Saying to himself, please God don't let Mayweather to come out again. You better watch what you say Tricia, says Olivia.

I'm sure you are some gold digger trying to latch on to Spencer knowing he will be in the NFL on day.   Trina, Trish, Tricia, what ever you name is, I don't need to latch on to Spencer for money, I'm from Beverly Hills, I have millions.

Are you two sleeping in the same bed? Well we did last night. Fuming, Tricia saw red, even though she had no right.  Spencer and I can sleep in the same bed every night (Liv just wanted to get under her skin, by saying that).   Where Spencer and I sleep is none of your business.

Spencer, (laughing at Liv); finally came from his listening booth and asked Tricia what she wants. Can I talked to you in private, she said. Anything you want to talk about, Liv will be present.

Well, I wanted to share the good news, says Tricia. I will be starting at USC next semester. Aren't you excited, "H" no.  Why did you pick that specific school out of thousands of universities in that country.  This has to be a "punk me joke", because your grades does not say USC. You have to admit, you are not smart enough to get into USC maybe, "C" level at best, Spencer says.

Isn't it obvious, I still love you and I want be where you are. Almost choking on his water, Spencer said, come again. Not that my life can get any worse, excluding Liv.  Any worst, says Tricia? The thought you two are together, looking at Spencer and Olivia, is sicking. Look at her and then look at me, no comparison.  Olivia and Spencer say at the same time you got that right.  Y'all didn't really seem like a couple when I saw you. Yea and Spencer, I know you haven't completely got over me because we were together for years. Surely you have had time to forgive me.  Look Tricia, says Spencer, why would you ever think I still have feelings for you.

Spencer and Olivia decided to have a little fun with this after walking back to the kitchen to grab some water, the going back to the couch to sit down.

Coming back out with their hands intertwined. Hey babe says Spencer, what do you want to do today? Surprise me, and you know how to do that well, says Olivia.  Babe, says Olivia, are we matching again today (meantime Tricia was fuming). It does not matter, says Spencer, what ever your wear looks good on you. You are so beautiful. God definitely took his time with you. At this point you can almost see fire coming from Tricia's nose.

Sitting down on the couch purposely leaving no room for Olivia. She kindly sat close to Spencer. Obviously, she didn't know it didn't phase Olivia as she kindly sat in Spencer's lap (these two have come a long way). Tricia looked at Olivia like she wanted to kick her off of Spencer's lap. Oh, cat got your tongue, speechless says Olivia, because the cat had Spencer' tongue last night.  Do you want the details Tricia, says Olivia?  Spencer just agreed with what Liv said. 

Olivia pulled Spencer into a kiss.  The kiss was to make a point, but neither came up for breath because that kiss felt electric, safe and even love. That was a conversation both of them had to talk about later. They also felt a sense of calmness. Even though they were playing a role in front of Tricia., both had the same feelings for each other. Falling in love or already in love, said that with their kiss.

Four days later

Olivia returned to her parents house for a few days before going back to campus.  She and her parents decided on therapy for Olivia. 

One of her old roommates dropped out over the break. 

The case with the two boys that sexually assaulted her had been kicked out of school and remained in jail until their trial.

Walking down the hallway to her room, Spencer was waiting for Olivia because he knew she would be back on campus that day after her initial therapy appointment.  Catching sight of Olivia and grabbing her arm, Spencer said we need to talk now.

Picking up Olivia's things, they headed to Spencer and Jordan's room.  Spence open the door to his individual room.  Both he and Olivia sitting on his bed.  I walked with Jordan to your room to see Kia.  I don't know how to tell you this, but Tricia is your new roommate. 

We have to come up with a plan very, very, soon.


Sorry all.  This chapter was a little shorter than others, but I could not let the weekend pass before updating like I promised.

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