Catching Feelings

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With a few days before their project is due, Liv and Spencer is burning to midnight oil. 

Hearing a knock at the door (Jordan and Spencer's room), Spencer takes a frustrating breath wondering who could possibly be knocking on the door this time of night?

Opening the door up to Kim with a trench coat and nothing under it.  Walking in before Spencer could stop her, Liv turns to Spencer and asks if she is missing something? 

Completely disrespecting Liv, Kim asks what she is doing there. 

Not one to back down, Olivia responds by saying this is my brother's room and Spencer and I are working on our project.  Also, if I were you, I'd make sure I have the body to show off before barging into someone room who has no interest in you.  By looking at Spencer's reaction, he is just as disgusted as Liv.

Can you put her on a leash Spencer, says Kim. 

I don't have the time or patience to go around and around with you says Olivia.  Wrap your coat back around your non attractive body, no one wants to see. I suggest you utilize the free gym that comes with being a student here.  Also, don't come for me again. Clearly Spencer is not interested in you, right Spencer, as he shakes his head clearly stunned by what Olivia said.  And Kim I'm sure if you go to the corner store right outside campus, there will be plenty of drunk and druggies that would love to see what you call a body under that coat.  Besides, they are so high, they cannot think clearly.

Otherwise, start making your way to the door and don't let it hit you on the way out.

The entire time, Spencer was standing with his mouth open as Liv kicked Kim out of the room before she kindly had a few choice words for her.

Where were we?  Still stunned by Olivia's words, Spencer looks dumbfounded.

As I was saying prior before your hoochie came knocking on the door, we need to finish this draft.  Since you decided to work on your own, it will take us longer to get the finish project.

Do you mind if we take a short break, says Spencer.  Why are you hungry?  Just want to talk and not about Kim or Darnell. 

I want to apologize for the way I came at you the first time we met.  I had no right to do that especially not even knowing you or trying to get to know you first.

I swore off women, you mean girls says Olivia.  Yea, okay whatever you say. 

I was in a long relationship prior to coming here and my ex really broke my heart, so I decided to swear off women or should I say girls and focus on football and my studies.  I was wrong.

Wow, never thought I would hear that from you.  However, I somehow get you trying to guard your heart because believe it or not, I was in a similar situation, and now my focus is school.

Look at us, finally having a decent conversation without insulting each other says Spencer.

Can I give you some advice Olivia?  Darnell is a womanizer and he is only interested in one thing.  I love my bro, but he is a player.

I appreciate your advice Spencer, but I am a big girl, besides we are only friends.  I am not interested in being in a relationship anytime soon. 

It is late, so I am going to head out and go back to my dorm.

Your dorm is all the way across campus, Jordan would kill me if I let you walk this late alone.
Wow, twice in one night?  I have to say that I didn't expect this from you.......the soft side of Spencer James.

Don't get me wrong, that only happens during very rare occasions.

However, I don't appreciate you coming for my girl like that Liv.

Whatttt.......for her being your girl, you seem to enjoy my words that was exclusively for her.

I'm just kidding, Kim is not my girl.  As I stated before, I am here for school and football, nothing else.

Kim somehow has it in her head that we are together.  Well you must have given her a reason to think that. 

Naw....... I just had her pretending to be my partner and work on the project to piss you off.

Well you didn't fail at that because I was pissed.  And I didn't appreciate her disrespectful as...s. Judging by tonight, she needs to run to the gym and handle whatever she calls her ........ The girl can use about 5 days a week in the gym.  Not saying that she is fat, but her body does not come close to mine. 

As they approached Olivia dorm, Spencer placed his hand on the door handle as Liv punched in the code.

Not realizing his hand was on the handle, Liv reached for the handle only to find her hand on top of Spencer.

Both feeling like they were struck by lightning touching each other's hand, they quickly removed their hand not knowing why that happened.

They stared at one another for a few seconds before Spencer cleared his throat.  Liv thanked him for walking her back to her dorm.

Once both Spencer and Liv got back to their dorm room, both of them slid down the opposite side of their dorm room door and said what the .....just happened?

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