Exes and Feelings

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As Spencer and Olivia is strolling down Navy Pier in Chicago, Spencer points to a few sites that peaks Olivia's interest. They are focus on their conversation and even laughing at how their relationship started off and where they are now.

Deeply engaged in their conversation, they hear someone say Spencer. Knowing that voice, Spencer rolls his eyes. Realizing it can possibly be an ex based on his reaction, Olivia reach down and squeezes his hand. They both feel an energy that neither has experienced before,

Spencer James, knowing he can't avoid her, turns around and gives a not so pleasant smile to his ex Tricia. Looking down at Olivia basically holding/squeezing Spencer hand, she sizes Olivia up before saying another word.

Nice to see that you remember where you live. What do you want Tricia? Actually to see you. Now that you have seen me, goodbye, says Spencer.  Oh you are not going to introduce me to your little friend? Spencer looks at Olivia and says, do you see a little friend, not near us says Olivia, trying to hold in her laughter.

Rolling her eyes at Olivia, she said I mean her. Oh "S" said Spencer as he start having flashbacks of Olivia Mayweather. First of all, you need to watch your mouth and stop being rude to my guest.  How long has it been, oh over a year since I dumped you said Spencer. There is not need to be rude Spencer, says Tricia. Just feeding off your vibes.

Listen Tricia, you will not be rude to my guest.   We were enjoying this beautiful view until I saw you. You will apologize to her because you know nothing about her, and her name is none of your business.

Well, I'm sorry I guess. I just wanted to talk to Spencer alone. No can do said Spencer. I clearly forgot you have no manners. I am here with this beautiful young lady whose company I was completely enjoying until I heard your annoying voice. So you are just going to talk to me like that after everything we have been through? Let me think about it, yep. Whatever, just walk away with your little tramp because she will never be me. Oh crap, says Spencer.

Olivia, dropped Spencer's hand and her purse at the same time and stopped walking. Excuse me whatever you name is. First of all you need to learn some manners, secondly, I don't like being interrupted when I'm taking a stroll alone or with someone. Thirdly, you don't know me, not even my name, but you called me a tramp. What was it you were saying.....I'll never be you, I say thank God because he kind of skipped you in a lot of areas in which he made me perfect. Also, there is a huge difference when I smile because I have all my teeth and you are missing a couple. What are you talk......bam, Olivia's fist collided with her mouth. Oh, look there they are, the teeth you are missing. You might want to look into getting some implants.

Not moving an inch, Spencer looked at Olivia and said, you sure you have the right major. Because of what I have witnessed twice, you need to be training for you next boxing fight. Still on the ground Tricia is screaming bloody murder at Olivia. Spencer looked back at his ex and said, I see you haven't changed a bit. Always trying to be big bad Tricia and getting your .....kicked.

Ready, Liv, sure let's go. Remind me again to never piss you off. However, she deserved that because she had no reason for coming at you like that.

I cannot believe that is your ex. Neither can I. She physically changed since I last saw her. I'm sorry Liv, as soon as I saw her, I should have taken you in the opposite direction. Spencer, it's fine, you didn't do anything wrong. Maybe, but I promised you a good time in my home city and your very first day, we run into my ex. What about we have a do over tomorrow? That sounds great, says Olivia.

Let's get back because my mom is preparing dinner.

After eating the gourmet meal that Grace prepared, Spencer and Olivia cleaned the kitchen together. After finishing, they decided to watch a movie downstairs in the theater room.

Spencer popped some popcorn using the old fashion popcorn machine located in the in home theater. He grabbed a blanket for him and Olivia each and started a movie. Spencer noticed Olivia shivering and shared his blanket with her. Thank you for this Spencer. It has kept my mind pre-occupied and not having to see their faces everywhere I look.

Liv you don't have to thank me, I care about you a lot more that you know. Liv looked at Spencer and move closer and placed her head on his shoulder.

After the movie was over, both Spencer and Olivia was tired. They went up stairs to their individual rooms.

It was around 1am when Spencer heard Olivia screaming NO.....please......No.  Spencer jumped out of his bed, and ran to Olivia's room.

Once he got there he saw her sitting up in the bed shivering and crying with her arms wrapped around her knees.  Hey, Hey, it's okay, you are safe with me.

I'm sorry Spencer.  I hope I didn't wake anyone else.  It just these nightmares will not leave and I am terrified because all I can do is see their faces.  Olivia starts to sob and Spencer gets on the bed and comforts Olivia.

Spencer,  can you do me a favor, anything for you.  Can you sleep in here tonight?  Of course, says Spencer.  He takes off his robe and climbs in the bed with Olivia.

She lays her head on his chest and thanks him for being there for her.  A few minutes later, he can hear lite snores from Olivia, signaling that she is asleep.  He closes his eyes and says, good night Olivia, I love you 💕

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