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It has been a week since Spencer and Olivia both felt something very strong when they touched.  Yea, both have been in love before, but this was a different feeling.

During the last week, they would meet up to work on their project and that was it. 

The interaction between the two was very strange.  The only communication they had was working on their project. They pretty much played the avoidance game.

They came to an agreement that they would work together in the library and not in their dorm room. 

Trying to escape what happened the previous week, they became uncomfortable around each other.

Olivia no longer dropped by her brother's room every day, she tried her best to avoid Spencer with Spencer doing the same.

However, neither could ignore the strong sensation they felt that night when Spencer walked Olivia back to her dorm.

Both of them were in the same predicament.  With their minds taking them back to the first time they met and other occasions afterwards.  Both swapping insults with one another.

As each had sworn off getting involved in another relationship, Spencer was determined to prove that what he felt when he and Olivia's hands touched was just a momentary thing.  It was like fireworks during the 4 of July.

Shacking his head and refusing to accept what happened, Spencer was determined that it was only a one time thing and nothing else.

Thinking the same as Spencer, Olivia was on a mission to prove that the temporary fireworks between herself and Spencer was just a one time thing.

To move past this and break the promise he had for himself, Spencer decided to start sleeping with his groupies, although in the back of his mind, he knew it was wrong.

Football season was well underway.  With Olivia being on the dance team and cheering for the football team, the thought of seeing Spencer almost made her quit.

These two have worn out their track shoes. 

With one more session before their project was finished, Olivia had to go over to her brother and Spencer's apartment due to the library being closed.

She tried her best to get out of this, but she convinced herself that her grade was more important than avoiding Spencer James.

Reaching the door of his dorm room, Olivia took a deep breath and talked herself into knocking on the door instead of running away.

After several knocks, Olivia started to get frustrated until the door opened with some random girl wearing nothing but Spencer's jersey.

Taking a deep breath before walking inside, Olivia bumped the random and went inside the dorm.

Baby, you coming back, says Spencer from his room.  After not saying anything, Spencer decided to make an appearance in his underwear.

Discussed by the sight of both of them, Olivia headed towards the door before Spencer called her back.

Thought we were supposed to finish our project tonight that is due in two days. 

Yeah, oh that, right. 

Still standing in the same spot as she was in when Olivia came in the room, the random wanted to know who Olivia was.

Excuse me, Spencer and I was in the middle of something.

Well I can definitely see that, says Olivia.  Turning around and packing up her things for their project, Olivia turned and looked at Spencer with disappointment.

Whenever you get over your whore tour remember we have a project due in 2 days.  Also Spencer, you may want to get yourself tested because this one over here is a rotational with the football team.

I'm sure she can tell you some stories.  Better yet ask some of your team mates......just nasty.

With that said, Olivia made her exit, but for some reason she felt sad.

Bang, bang, bang......who the heck is beating down my door at 2am, says Olivia.

Using some very colorful words, for the person banging on her door, Olivia opened up to see a drunk Spencer.

Heyyyyy bbbabyyyyy, you ready to finish that project?  Forcing himself in her dorm room, Spencer laid a big kiss on Olivia's lips.

Not knowing what to do in that second after being overwhelmed with butterflies, Olivia reached back her hand and slapped Spencer into the next week.

Have you lost you mind, showing up to my room drunk at 2am in the morning.  Don't you ever put your lips on me again.

Commmmmme ooonnnn bbbaby you know you like it.

First of all you are drunk, secondly I'm not your baby, thirdly we pretty much hate each other, and lastly, you are a man whore sleeping with randoms.  Get the........out of my room.

Trying to stand up, Spencer found himself falling over Olivia's couch and sleep within a few seconds.

Oh heck no, wake your.......up, I am not about to babysit your drunk......

Strangers to Lovers Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora