Welcome to Chicago

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Walking outside with their luggage, Grace screamed, my baby, as she run up to Spencer to give him a hug. It is so good to see you son. This must be the beautiful Olivia, yes Mam, that is me, says Liv. Grace embraced Olivia with a hug and welcomed her to Chicago.  I have heard so much about you.  Oh, says Olivia in a surprising way.

Clearing his throat, Spencer tried to change the subject. You look great mom. I know says Grace. Olivia and Spencer look at one another and laugh.

Almost to Spencer's parents home, Olivia was enjoying the view and a change of scenery. Grace pulled into a gated community and turn into a long private driveway to their home, which is a mini mansion. Olivia didn't know much about Spencer's family background, except for the fact of him mentioning his ex.

Getting out of the car, with their luggage, Grace opened the door to their home. Olivia stood in place for a moment to take in the beauty and very exquisite decor. Ms Grace, your home is beautiful. Thank you sweetheart, says Grace. Just then, Dillion came running down the stairs and stopped in his track. Have I gone and went to heaven? Clearly, you are a beautiful work of art that I am seeing for the first time. He grabs Olivia's hand and kisses it. Oh, hi Spencer, says Dillon. Hi little bro. Next time keep your hands to your self, acting like you have no manners. Olivia was dying laughing as she saw a little jealousy from Spencer.

Dillon is that any way to treat our guest? Sorry mom, but I could not help it....she is just so beautiful. Bye Dillion, says Spencer, with Olivia still laughing at the entertainment at her expense. Liv, I'll take your bags to the guess room, just follow me. As they enter the room, Olivia is still in speechless. Your mom has excellent taste. This room is beautiful.

Only the best for you, Spencer says very low. Spence were you saying something? Nah, just talking to myself. Olivia turned around and walked closer to Spencer, giving him a hug and thanking him for taking her away from LA. She kissed him on the cheek and started arranging her clothes for the week.

By the way, mom is cooking a huge dinner tonight.  She wants us all to be ready for dinner at 8.  So we got some time to kill, says Olivia.  I thought you may be tired and want to take a nap.  And waste the view and activities of this beautiful city, no way.  Well, I have the exact spot to take you.  Be ready in 15.  Really, 15 minutes?  Do you know how long it takes a woman to get dressed and fix her face?  You don't need to fix you face Liv, you are already beautiful.  The two exchange looks for a few seconds until Olivia said, I'll meet you downstairs in 30 minutes.  I guess it will be 30 minutes, because I've seen you May weather  Jr. when people gets on your last nerve.  I still have nightmares.  Olivia took a pillow and threw it at Spencer.  Both laughing as he headed out of her room.

Downstairs in the kitchen, Ms Grace is prepping some of the food for dinner later.  So, what the story with you and Olivia?  You don't bring home a female unless you are dating.  Liv and I are just friends.  Son I do believe you think I am stupid.  I saw the looks you were giving her and some stolen glances with her looking at you.

Do I like her, yes and maybe more than like.  I just don't want to force her into anything now, she went through hell at school a few days ago.  You did mention something about needing to get her away from LA, but I don't know the specifics.  She went to get some water at a party and I took my eyes off of her for a few minutes.  Someone slipped the date rape drug in her water.  When I went over looking for her, some drink dude said her saw her stumbling upstairs.  I ran upstairs and all I could hear was her screaming no.  They ripped all her clothes off ma. And one guy was trying to force her to open her mouth and the other had her face down laying on her naked.  I wanted to kill them both mom.  She didn't deserve that.  It was my fault I should have got her water myself.  I know how those people get drunk and start making a fool of themselves at those parties. 

Son, it wasn't your fault.  That poor girl, I can't imagine what she went through and is still going through.  Both Grace and Spencer had tears running down their faces.  What did her parents say?  Well Liv's mom is the DA for LA.  The guys was found and arrested that night.  Her dad is my coach.  Liv had being staying at her parents home in Beverly Hills, wow said Grace.  I visited her everyday.  Yesterday, when I went over Liv said she felt like she could not breathe in LA, so I asked Mrs Baker if she could come home with me for a week to get her away from LA.  She agreed, but she said Liv has to make the decision.  Liv said yes and here we are.

I'm ready, says Liv.  Spencer just stands there in motionless.  Grace taps him on the shoulder and said, like my ass. 

You two have fun.  And Olivia sweetheart, let me know if he gets out of line.  Remember dinner is at 8. 

Arriving at their destination, Olivia said with excitement, is this Navy Pier, the one and only, says Spencer.  Oh my goodness, I've always wanted to come here.

As the two were walking on the pier, Olivia started to get a little chilly.  Spencer took off his jacket and placed it around her.  Oh, what a gentleman.......about that time someone said Spencer, they both turned around to see his ex, Tricia.

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