Olivia Baker

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After leaving Olivia's dorm room, Spencer went back to his room to find Kim at his door with her arms crossed.  "Do you remember that we were supposed to go out"? Says Kim.  You mean hangout?  I have been waiting for you for hours Spencer.  There was no need for you to be waiting for me says Spencer.

Look Kim we are not dating, I don't owe you anything. 

Opening the door to his room with Kim following behind him, Jordan gives Spencer a sly smile.  So where were you all night?  Believe me, it is not what you think .

So where were you Spencer?  Those look like the same clothes you wore yesterday.  Getting aggravated with Kim and her questions like they are in a serious relationship, Spencer, looking annoyed asked Kim, what were you doing, stalking me?  With an aggravated expression, before he could say anything else, Olivia came through the door telling Spencer that he left his wallet in her room.

Glancing between the two of them, Jordan and Kim was lost for words.

Hi bro, Olivia says.  To aggravate Kim and mess with her brother, Olivia told Spencer that he would probably need an extra couple of hours of sleep after last night. 

Assuming that they slept together, Kim approached Olivia asking why was she with her man all night when they had plans.  Look Kim says Spencer, we went out two times, two, how does that constitute you being my girlfriend?
Trying to upset Olivia, Kim said the first night we spent together was for the record books.  Not appreciating Kim confession and certainly exaggerating their time together, which by everyone in the room knew about, Spencer said it was one big mistake and it certainly was not for the record books that you are referring to.  Not being about to control her laugh, Jordan gave his sister a side eye smirk.

Look Kim, says Spencer, it was just a causal night between two people who was lonely, nothing more and nothing less.

I mean if I was you Kim, I would not be stalking a man if he clearly wasn't interested in me, says Olivia still kind of laughing with Spencer and Jordan giving her a side eye.

Spencer reminded Kim again that they were not a couple.  Jealous and heated because of Olivia, Kim hauled off and slapped Olivia.  Kim what the .......says Spencer.  Jordan looked like he wanted to body slam her.

With a smile of victory, Kim looked at Olivia and said, that is my first warning. Spencer opened his mouth to say something, but he was cut off by Olivia saying, I got this looking at both Jordan and Spencer.

Remembering all the beat downs Olivia gave him when they were younger, Jordan said,  if I were you I would leave now.  What can that.....do to me, says Kim.  Under his breath, Spencer says you about to find out.

Taking off her studs, and placing her hair in a ponytail.  Olivia balled up her fist and hit Kim so hard, that she hit the floor. 

Olivia jumped on top of Kim and put her in a headlock with one arm and beat the crap out of her with her other hand.

Ok, Tyson that is enough says Jordan.  Still stunned, Spencer just stood there in shock.

Don't you ever put your hands on me again. The next time you will be in the hospital being treated from your beat down that you will received courtesy of me.  Oh man says Olivia calmly, now I have to get this nail fixed.  Spencer and Jordan looked at each other seeing how calm Liv was after beating the crap out of Kim less than one minute prior, and now she is worried about a broken nail.

Let me tell you something Kim, I may have grew up in Beverly Hills but don't let that fool you. Don't ever come for me again.  The next time I will not have as much mercy as I did today.

If that was mercy according to Liv, she may be 6 feet under the next time.

Still standing in the same place stunned, Spencer was in shock.

Spencer, meet me in the in the library in a couple of hours.  See you bro.  And Kim you might want to get yourself checked out. 

Jordan, be a dear and help Kim to her dorm, I don't think she will be physically able to make it alone.

Winking at Spencer, Liv says I will see you in 3 hours at the library.  I thought we were meeting in 2 hours.  Well things changed after your little stalker was here.  I have to get my nail fixed.

Whatever you say, says Spencer.

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