Uncharted Territory

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One of Olivia loves is dance, so she took her outstanding dance skills, (which is a form of Art and expressing herself without words) and decided to try out for the USC Dance team, which is one of the reasons she was some of the first students to move on campus a few weeks prior to the start of her first semester, since she had no problems making the team.

Beaming in the hot Cali sun, the team has began to prepare for the upcoming football season by practicing on the sidelines.

Grabbing the attention of quite a few players, Olivia ignores them, focusing on her dance routines. With a football thrown at one of the players, Coach Baker gets the player's attention by saying to focus more on football and improving his skills, instead of looking at his daughter. Shocked by the revelation of most players, they quickly apologize to their coach, his son and their teammate, Spencer James.

Quickly and quietly shutting some of the players down, Spencer vocalize his disinterest and dislike for Olivia, making sure his coach is no where near after admitting his bitter feelings towards Olivia.  Man, you have been staring at her, we just figured you have a thing for the beautiful Ms. Baker, especially since she will be on the sidelines cheering for the team when the season starts. Spencer is quick to shut that down.

Taking a short break from dance practice, Olivia goes over to where the football team is practicing to talk to her dad as both teams are taking a break from the hard work in the LA sun.

As she approaches her dad, Olivia stops to grab some water. Excuse me Miss Baker, but those drinks are specifically for the football teams and not for little girls that a dancing on the side line. You are absolutely correct. Let me get you some water since you have been practicing so hard in this heat.

Olivia grabs a cup of water from one of the water boys and dashes it on Spencer. What the ...,,....? I thought you would have learned your lesson by disrespecting me.....perhaps not.....and by the way, I am a woman and not a little girl, but you probably wouldn't know that because I sure you could never handle a woman.  So stay in you lane and continue to play you little buy sport.  Getting quite a few laughs from other team members, Spencer was heated by Olivia's statement. As he starts to take a jab at her insult, Coach Baker comes over.

Hi daddy, as Olivia walks up to her dad. Hi baby girl, I am so proud of you. She turns around and flips Spencer off. She really hates you, says another player. The feeling is mutual . You may want to watch yourself because no one disrespects the coach's daughter. I guess there is a first time for everything.

Both practices are over, Spencer opens his dorm room to see the person he dislikes the most sitting on the couch, going over what seems to be the team's playbook.

Why are you here, he asks Olivia.  I'm waiting on my brother to go over a few plays.  Yea.....okay, says Spencer. 

Look I have been around football all of my life and being an NFL player daughter, a QB sister, and the USC coach's daughter, I know quite a few things about football.  By the way, you are not as good as you think......a lot of room for improvement.  If I can remember correctly, you are not in high school anymore sweetheart, you are just another person on this large campus and football team.  I do remember you saying something like that similar to me.

With no come back, Spencer opened the refrigerator to grab a water bottle. 

Jordan finally makes it back to his dorm room and sees Spencer and Olivia, surprised there are no broken glass or puddles of water, knowing his sister doesn't back down from a fight, male or female.

Look, I don't know what the problem is with you two, but you just met a few days ago and act like an old married couple who are not happy until you are insulting each other.

Oh my God Jordan that is disgusting.  I would never.......being cut off by Spencer, have the pleasure of being with me.  You two are pathetic and if I didn't know any better, I think you actually like each other. 

Never said Olivia, because I would never have any interest in an arrogant a....hole.  Same feeling sweetheart says Spencer.

If you two could behave, Give me a few minutes to shower and change sis before we go over my plays from today.

Are you serious man, you are actually going to take advice from a girl about a man's game?  Ignoring Spencer's insult, Olivia continues looking at the book that she was so focused on when Spencer got back to his dorm.

A few weeks later
First day of class and the campus is in full swing.  Excited new students and returning old students.

Stepping into her required English Literature Class, Olivia is excited to meet new students.  With the classroom quickly filling up, she is focused on grabbing her notebook from her backpack, when she hears a voice asks if the seat beside her is taken.  Recognizing that voice, she quickly looks up and curses to herself before stating, it's a free country.  Smiling to himself, Spencer knows he has hit a nerve.

As class starts, the professor goes over the syllabus.  As you can see, we have several projects that will count as a large percent of your grade, says the professor.  With that say, I am going to pair each of you in groups of two.  As the professor goes down the list.  She gets midway and says Olivia Baker and Spencer James will be paired together.  With their worst nightmare coming true, this is going to be a long semester as  each of them silently says to themselves.

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