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Rushing through the doors at the hospital, Billy and Laura are in panic mode. What happened to our daughter?

Soon the double doors swung open and the doctor asked for the family of Olivia Baker. Everyone stood up.

Jordan and Kia went over with Olivia's parents. Spencer and Darnell stood up, but Spencer walked a little towards the family.

Olivia was sexually assaulted. Fortunately she did not take a shower and we were able to retrieve two dna samples belonging to two males.

We found traces of the date rape drug in her system. We had to give her a sedative to calm her down. She was able to get cleaned up after the exam. We have all the information we need to confirm our diagnosis. The police are on their way to retrieve the samples.

Laura and Kia broke down in sobs. Jordan was crying and so was Billy. From what Spencer heard, he punched a chair and kicked a 🗑️.

Spencer had tears in his eyes wondering how this could happen.

Seeing how mad Spencer was, Billy went over and said, calm down son. You don't understand Coach, I was there and I took my eyes off of her for a few minutes. I could have stopped this from happening to her.

I don't understand, how can this happen to her. She doesn't deserve this. I should have protected her and I didn't, Spencer sobbed in Billy's arms.

Jordan walked out of the hospital with Kia walking with him. I failed her Ki, my parents told me to look after her and I failed her. Jordan, baby you didn't know this would happen, any of us did. Please don't be so rough on yourself.

Back in the hospital, Spencer called his mom and said he needed to get away from campus this upcoming week since the school will be on break. What wrong baby, said Ms Grace. A close friend was sexually assaulted tonight and it has affected me more than I can handle right now. I just want her to be ok.

Spencer, Spencer, Liv is awake and is calling for you.

Spencer steps in the room and see Liv swollen red eyes and a few bruises on her face. He comes closer doing everything that he can to hold back his tears, but he failed.

Hey can you lay down next to me?, says Liv. I don't want to hurt you, you won't says at Liv.

As he position himself in her hospital bed, she lays her head on his shoulder and thank him for coming when he did. As she began to sob more, Spencer hold her tighter and they both fall asleep.

I think I'm going to check on Livvie, says Laura. Once she opened the door and saw the two asleep , she stepped back out with a smile on her face.

Returning to the waiting room, the gang asks how Olivia was. Laura said, I believe she is doing just fine.

Two days later

Olivia has been at her parents home since she was released from the hospital.  Spencer has been one of her biggest supporters.

A knock is heard at the Baker Mansion.  Hi Spencer, come in says Laura.  Olivia is sitting downstairs on the couch reading a book.  Approaching Olivia with his hands behind his back, Spencer hands her a dozen roses.

Emotional, Liv starts to cry and hug Spencer.  How are you doing?  I don't know.  I know I probably need to go back to campus at some point but I don't feel safe there.  I'm just happy we are on fall break for a couple of weeks.

I just want to remove myself from these surroundings.  Everywhere I go I see them, I feel like I am going crazy Spencer.

Excuse me for a second as he kisses her forehead and she smiles a little.

Mrs Baker can I speak with you for a moment.  I am going back home to Chicago and I was wondering if Liv could come with me.

Spencer I think that will be a great idea because she has mentioned that this place, this area is smothering her.  A new scenery will be good for her.  You know I'm not the deciding factor, you have to ask Liv.

Spencer going back over to sit by Olivia.  He starts to shake his leg because he is nervous.  What wrong Spencer?  I have something to ask you and I'm a bit nervous.

I will be going home to Chicago in a couple of days for fall break.  Since you are not happy being in this area right now, I was....... I was wondering if you would like to go with me.

I know we had our differences in the past and it's all my fault, but I think you would love the scenery in Chicago.  It is a different change of environment and the food is excellent. 

I would love to go.  I am looking forward to a different environment.  Will your parents be okay with a stranger staying with them for a week?

Trust me, you are no stranger to them.  I have talked about you a......yea they don't mind.

Smirking, Olivia said, when do we leave?  We will be on the flight ✈️ tomorrow.

We are starting our decent into Chicago, please bring you seats back to the upright position, put all laptops away along with carry on items.  Please refrain from using your cell phone.   A Flight attendant will be coming along shortly to collect all your trash.

Thank you again for flying United Airlines and we hope to have you aboard one of our future flights soon. 

Welcome to Chicago O'Har International Airport. 

Ready, says Spencer, let's do it says Olivia.

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