38: Mr. Goo

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My arms don't exactly hurt, but they sure feel weird from all that exertion yesterday. I went to work out with Euntae in the morning, and I heard from him that Daniel's condition seemed to be improving.

I got to class early, like I usually do, and went over the material while I waited for class to begin. I saw Jay entering, followed by Mira and Zack (yes, they're still very much a single unit), Yui, Crustal, and all my other classmates other than Daniel. Homeroom began and ended without any drama.

The "drama" began during recess. A student from another class (a freshman, I heard from the others) appeared together with Zoe, and they sat together at their desk. This guy, it seemed to me, was invading her personal space a little, but she let him.

Come to think of it, Zoe used to come to our store quite often, every time Dan was around, and stopped coming a day after Dan disappeared. Zoe had told me on the last day of her visit that she thinks Dan must've returned to his home to take a break from everything. She looked concerned, but I didn't hear from her again.

And here she is, sitting together (or rather under) this new guy, inside our class, though. Everyone seemed to be worried; this guy was apparently a very problematic one, and there was a confrontation between him and Zack, which ended in Zoe dragging him out of the class with her.

I was still confused as to what was going on, and was told by Mira that Zoe and "Logan" started dating out of the blue. Well, wasn't that rather quick, though? I've heard and actually thought that she's a bit shallow from my initial impressions of her, but whether she's confirming it or going against it (this Logan guy doesn't exactly fall into what's socially considered to be "a handsome man"), this going-out-with-someone-out-of-the-blue thing sure is weird. Well, her life, her choice, I suppose.



That's how it was. Zoe was dating Logan to protect Dan from bullying.

That guy, Logan, knew Dan since they were kids, and he used to bully him for a long time.

Dan moved him, partly because of that. I can't imagine how terrible it must've been to move all the way over here, to have him follow Dan here, and to relive it all over again. 

Most importantly, Daniel's awake! 

I just heard from Dan. He's resting at their home. I guess I'll see him tomorrow at school.

I had to take a detour on my way back home, because I saw a group of guys stopping random people and spray-painting 'X's on their shirts. I only saw them from afar, and they looked like trouble. I didn't want to get involved, so I quietly left. 




I had talked with my parents, my brother, and I  just hung up the call with Aunty. As expected, I got scolded for getting myself into unnecessary trouble. And I didn't even tell her the main part-

You know, the part where Mr. Kim "hired" me, and I will probably be associating with him for a bit. 

Don't get me wrong, it's not because I'm overconfident in my abilities to escape death at the hands of thugs; it's just that after thinking sufficiently over it, it seemed to me that this could be the opportunity to get some information about this that the police or other elders possibly cannot. Especially after visiting Jiho in prison and hearing how the police can't get involved directly in the matter due to lack of evidence, I thought perhaps that I could get some information out of this (safely, of course) and then tell her.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 02 ⏰

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