18: Connections

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I went for work, got back home, called aunt Katherine and told her everything.


I got scolded for irresponsibly following strangers into an unknown location without informing anyone. 

I myself can't believe I actually had the guts to do that. At that moment, it just felt like the right thing to do.

It took a whole lotta explanation to convince her to let me keep working on the case. 

She argued it was dangerous, that she was responsible for keeping me safe, that she would have to answer to everyone if something happens to me, that her asking me to "see if I can get more info on the situation" didn't mean for me to go ahead and investigate it on my own. 

I know she's right, but something within my mind didn't let me just drop it like that.

I promised her that I would be careful and not take more of such risks. Finally she had to give in.
I would meet up with her this weekend to discuss my findings on the topic.

It might sound weird, but I feel kind of funny about what happened earlier today, now when I look back.

I was super scared those few minutes, but it doesn't feel as scary now that it's over.

I'd need to figure this out first, I need more clarity. Just how all these things are connected.

I felt that writing down all that has happened till now, could help.

Everything that happened around me.

Everything since I transferred.


'Maybe I should make a mind map or something? That's what they do in movies, make a list or arrange stuff in a bulletin board...'

'Let's see, I think I've got an app on my...right! My storage space!'

Three thousand screenshots, one thousand two hundred camera photos, sixty videos, and 400 audio files! How did my phone come to this...😞

More than half of the pictures were useless trash, stuff I just thought looked cool. 

I uploaded the other photos and videos to cloud before deleting them. 

I kept the audio recordings though. It's this habit of mine, whenever I get a tune or a line or an idea in my head, I immediately record it before I forget and lose it forever. 

I record myself blabbering about random things too. I don't know why, I just like to.

I also deleted at least 15 apps from my phone, those I don't even remember ever installing.

About 7 GB of space got cleared up. I was so glad I did it.

I then opened this app and started to make a mind map.

Everything 'unusual' began after I joined J high this year. I started to meet new people and things began to happen.


'Let's see, I met Dan this year, and all my new classmates and friends...'

'Dan is Daniel's roommate...'

'Gun, Goo, Crystal's sister, Kouji...'

'Jake Kim, Big Deal...'




'Is that all...?'

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