25: Awkward and Creepy...

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It was break time but Jiho was nowhere to be found.

Not in class, not with the others, nowhere.
I sent him a message but he hadn't seen it yet.
After much looking, I saw that he wasn't around so I went to the cafeteria and had lunch with the others.




"I couldn't find you at all during the break, did you go somewhere else Jiho?", I asked him when we met up during the evening.

"Ohh, they left without me so I went to hang out with my new friends." He answered.

"New friends?"

"That's a long story. 

 So, last night James called me and asked me to go somewhere with him. I first thought he'd make me run errands for him as Doo does, but he was actually nice.

He introduced me to his friends, Sam, Harry, Song and... Anna..." I saw his slightly blush. "Now they weren't exactly very normal, but they were great to spend time with.
It was my first time hanging out with friends and it was so fun."

'First time? Can't say I'm not hurt...
We're your friends too right... or did he mean we're not fun to be around?

Aahh whatever he had fun so that's what counts I guess'

"Ohh Kyra you should come with me too, I'll introduce you to them."

"You'll introduce me to them?"

'I don't know how I feel about that😳.

Meeting new people isn't really my kind of thing, I mean, he's friends with them, I don't know them, it can turn quite awkward...'

"Thank you for the invitation Jiho, but I think I'll pass. I don't know, I can't quite..."

"Just come with me, there's this meet-up place, we'll just give it a go."

'Aahh what would I say when he's being so hopeful and positive about it...
Why did you do me like this Jiho😓
I'm comfortable with you but strangers...'

I couldn't think of anything else to say so I agreed 😐
It's not like I hate socializing or talking, I just don't wanna.
But I guess I'll just have to go.

"Wait when are you gonna be taking me? I have work during the night remember?"👀

"Ohhh that's okay we can go before or even after that when you're free. They're surprisingly up for a long time at night."

'So I guess I'll be going after all.
Calm down, Kyra.
It's not like they'll hurt you or anything, you're just meeting them once.
That's it.
Compose yourself."


After work at night, Jiho came by to pick me up and take me to his "friends".

I can't say I wasn't concerned, he just straight up became friends with them. Like in a single night! That's a little too fast to tell if they're safe to be around.
Partly why I'm unsure of literally "hanging out" with them. I don't even know them.

But it was too late to back out now.

I followed him as we entered a sort of a basement and walked into a room.

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