11: Workout buddies

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Midterm exams were coming up. The first exam was a week away.

I had already covered the portions once so I wasn't too worried, thanks to all that studying I did everyday...

Everyone was studying.
Daniel was studying with Jay.
Daniel, Duke, Jiho, Mira, Zack, and Yui were studying at the library, so were Jace, Euntae, Woong, and others.
Even Dan was studying at the store.

Soon enough, the exam day dawned upon us.

The questions were relatively easy to answer.

I was confused over a few questions but I attempted them all regardless. Better something than nothing...




"The top student for midterms is Daniel Park"

I was tied at second with Jay.
Both of us had gotten one answer wrong.

I felt a little guilty though because I had a few additional question banks and CDs to refer to that brother had bought me at the beginning of the school year.

Many questions discussed there were for the test so it was easier for me to answer, and everyone didn't have that opportunity😟.

Maybe next time I could offer to share them with someone else.




Now that the exams were over, I could resume the morning exercise I had paused (to get some additional time in the morning for revisions).

I felt the need to work out a little more. All I did was run for maybe 3-4 miles and a few squats.

I wish I had a workout buddy.
I slacked off when it was just me because I didn't have enough discipline😓. That was something I needed to work on.

The next day, I took a different route, one that seemed longer.
I hadn't been in that area before. I memorized the path I took so I that don't get lost.

I was pleasantly surprised to see Euntae and Jace there. I didn't at all expect to run into them.

"Good morning!" They called out, seeing me.

"Morning to you too!
Were you working out?"


Anyone could tell they have been working out. Their well-built bodies were proof that they did.

Ohh, maybe they could help me form an exercise routine!
Should I ask for help?
They wouldn't be too bothered, would they?
Well, let's just try...

"Hey, do you guys think you could help me with something?"

"Yeah, but what?" Jace asked.

"I've been thinking about working out for some time, can you tell me what you two usually do for a workout a day?"

"We do 100 pushups, 100 sit-ups, 100 squats, and a 10 km run every day", Euntae said like it was nothing.

"You do?😮"

"Yeah. We've been doing it for about two years now."

"Oh, okay..."
Goodness, that's a lot!😳

"You can join us if you want.
It might be difficult at first, but you'll get used to it if you try enough", Jace offered.

"You don't mind?"

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