17. Discovery...

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I was at my grandparents.
It was a long distance from where I live, but it's been a while since I last visited so I had decided to come.

Aunt Katherine was also there.

She was a police officer.
I remember her taking me to her workplace when I was younger.
When I moved, we couldn't do that anymore.

I always liked to listen to stories from her job.
It was fun and very insightful.

It gave me a view of the society I was unfamiliar with.
It helped me learn more.

They had investigations going on that they took up themselves.
There was a team, that monitored for potential threats or misconducts for example.

"There's something I wanted to ask you Kyra.

Have you seen students collecting money from their classmates for stuff like, say, two-two fee, or bullies taking away money from their juniors?"


"Now say, if someone took the trouble of collecting such money over a large area, like a really really large area, how much money do you think they could make?"

"Well, hard to say.
Even if you collect a dollar from a person, that's 100 dollars from a hundred people..."

"Yeah, but we're talking about much larger sums.

Think, if you collect 2 dollars from a student, from a class of an average of 30 students, that's $60, from a department it'd be $240, from a school, say your own, it should be at least about $2000 including students from all the classes.
That, over 100 schools would be?"


"And no-one would even notice because it's just 2 dollars from each person.

We've been receiving information about the possibility of such stuff going around in many schools in the area.

I was wondering if you knew something similar happening at your school"

"I can't be sure; I haven't really paid much attention before...
I'll see if I can get more information about it later?"

"If it's not too much trouble.

I asked you this because our team can't just barge into schools without a concrete proof.

Since you're a student, you could observe it discreetly.

Do you mind?"

Besides this is fun, I'd love to be part of an investigation. I'll look into it.

Tell me about other cases like this aunty, this is interesting"

"Well, we recently arrested some people for illegal betting.

We couldn't get too much info on them, but one of the main culprits was a minor and they had already made over a million dollars through this business.

And this guy, I did a background check on him and he happens to be the head of some gang from Gangseo called 'Big deal'.
Had me wondering, why would a normal gang need that much money for?

His father was a gangster-politician too, Gapryong Kim. Ever heard of the name?"

"I think I've heard that name in the news?
He's no more is he?"

He was pretty popular, a decent gangster you know, not the 'bad' type. And his son, Jake Kim apparently is now at the juvenile detention centre. I still wonder why they needed all that money for..."

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