22: Discussion

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I have these fighting tutorial apps on my phone, there are plenty on the internet if you actually look for it, and they are all quite good in the way they explain and demonstrate they way you should do something, but I think having someone to teach you just hits differently.

The same with exercise actually, if it's just me doing it on my own, I noticed I slacked off a bit. 

Now I know Euntae said not to, but it is indeed a bit unmotivating without him. I still workout with Dan and Jace, so that's a relief.

Now that I think about it, it's different for different things actually. 

Studying for example, I like to do alone. If someone "teaches" me, I won't quite understand.

 Same with cooking, cleaning, watching Newtube or reading, I need to be alone for me to able to enjoy it fully.

Exercise, learning to fight, etc. are different I realised...

Anyway, after the exercise session I came back home, and after a quick breakfast, got ready for the day.




Aunt Kath came to pick me up at around ten.

We got in the car and she started driving. I wasn't sure where would be an appropriate location to discuss my findings. 

In fact, I thought the car was the safest place since it's just me and her in there. She agreed and I went on explaining what I found as she calmly listened.

I also showed her the mind map thingy I made, so the connections could be made clearer. 

"...so I think this Charles Choi has got something to do with the 'Big 4 crews'. 

Big Deal is one of them. The others are God dog, Hostel and Workers.

All of this is obviously very discreet, the connection. We're lucky to have been able to find what we have.

We'll need to get more information on them, what do you think I should do?"

"Yeah before all that, can I ask, why again do you think you must do something? 

Kyra, all of this seems dangerous to me. Letting my niece go after a case like this, I'd never be able to forgive myself if something happened to you.

I think it's best you leave this to me, and stop.

Besides why would you be so interested in all this crews and gang stuff? I just don't understand..." She expressed her concern. 

We talked this over phone though. Well I don't blame her, she is my guardian after all.

"I don't really know, this just doesn't sit right with me. 

I mean, we know something about such bad things going around that nobody else does, and I don't know if the police can do much on this topic since you don't have solid proof and like you said, you can't just barge into schools for investigation or do anything at all without drawing attention.

I can at least try, right? I see no reason not to. 

Aunty, I promise I won't try anything too dangerous.
And if I get the feeling I'm in trouble, I'll get away from there, I'll contact you. 

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