6: Weirded out

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Fun fact about myself, I can either eat unbelievably fast or unbelievably slow or right in the middle😂.

Today, I went for the first. I dunno why, but there are some days when I just feel like I don't want to have food in my mouth for long.

I do chew food properly (don't want indigestion, thank you), but I do it quickly.
I didn't even need to go sit down, that's how fast I ate.

After I was done, I went back to the classroom.

'What should I do now?'

It was history period next, I decided I'll just read through the textbook once.

And I was totally glad I did so.
I could answer the questions fairly well during the class and I also felt I got some extra clarity to what the teacher said.
If I could keep going at this pace, exams are not gonna be a huge challenge.


I left work a little early today because I needed to go get the groceries for the week.

It was around 9 at night, and I was stunned at the sight I saw.

I stepped closer and out of pure and simple amusement, let out:

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I stepped closer and out of pure and simple amusement, let out:

"Daniel, is that Daniel on your back?"

Alright, that was totally weird. Maybe a little funny, but so weird.

"I think we're gonna wanna work on that😅", I told him.

"I agree"

"....how about this, I will call you Dan, and him Daniel?"

"That could work. Let's do that then."

"Okay, I'll rephrase what I said. 'Dan, is that Daniel on your back'?"

"Yes, it is"

"What happened?"

"Well, he passed out. I'm taking him home"

"Do you know where he lives?"

"Oh, right. I haven't told you yet, he is my roommate..."

"Ohh, I didn't know that! I knew you were friends, but roommates, I didn't know that at all...

Are you gonna be alright, carrying him all the way alone?"

"I'll be fine. He is not that heavy actually..."

"Okay then, I'll see you tomorrow. It's about time for you to get to the convenience store. I'll leave you to it"

"Yeah, good night!"

"Good night"


I came home, sorted through the stuff I bought, and arranged them in the pantry.

And then I studied for a bit and went to bed.

'Exercise, school, Jace, Euntae, Woong, Mason, Taejoon, Duke, class, work, Dan, Daniel, home.'

'I met quite a lot of people today. I'm yet to acquaint with my own classmates though.'

'I still wonder why Zack quit boxing.'

'Euntae, he seemed pretty well built. Well, almost everyone in architecture department were too, so...'

'Duke, I didn't see him at all after the morning. And that dude who kicked him, who is he really?

Why does everyone fight unnecessarily?

Zack and Daniel too were fighting the other day. What was that about anyway?
Well, I hope they get on good terms.'

'Fighting... I actually am quite interested in fighting. Not that I like seeing people getting hurt or anything, but I like seeing matches, and knowing more about different fighting techniques.

But the kind you see at school, where the 'strong' pick on the 'weak' and bully them, I just hate it.
There has to be a mutual agreement or understanding, for a fight to become 'acceptable' in my opinion.'

'I've also been meaning to learn some martial art or fighting discipline.
I need to have more physical activity. I'll talk to mom and dad about enrolling me in a class some time.'

'Hah, I'm tired
Let's just go to sleep.....'

And I dozed off.

I don't know why, but this chapter seems a little weird😳. Maybe because I'm writing too fast?
I read it over and over a few times but I don't think I know what I should change, so I'm just posting it as such.

I hope the rest of the chapters are not as weird...

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