31: Footsteps

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My next stop obviously had to be the school in the photo - Moon High - James Lee's school.

Took three hours to get there by train, and Dan had taken the same train, apparently, there weren't any other trains going in that location and he was kinda easy to notice with the coat on. 

I was successful in hiding myself, and he was too immersed in his thoughts to look around, probably. 

He got out, so did I. He took turns that led to a rather... remote area, and following him around should've been more and more difficult.

At least I thought so. But he really didn't notice me at all. I wondered just what could it be that has him so worked up, somehow he seemed to be just as clueless as I was.




'What the hell-'

The school gate was locked, and Dan hopped over the boundary wall. I waited for quite a long while till he went inside and then attempted to do the same. Past me would have freaked out at the sight, at the entire situation actually. Present me, however, was curiosity-high. Well, the wall wasn't much of a challenge.

I followed behind him, taking the entrance he took(which was apparently a window, he jumped over again and so, I). I had to be extra careful now, the floor is wooden; steps much louder than they are when walking through the sand. My sneakers were padded but it was still kinda hard not to make any sound.

'Feels like I'm on a spy mission...'

He walked into a room.

'I shouldn't go in right now, he'll definitely see me', I realized. 

Another somewhere that could give me any sort of information... ohhh where's the locker room again 👀?

I looked around a bit before I found it, super super careful of my movements, ensuring he wasn't around. His footsteps are kinda heavy and loud enough to hear from a distance.

I found the locker named James Lee, and like his room before, the locker wasn't locked.

There were textbooks and a photo. Following the routine, I took out my phone, took a picture, and closed the locker-


I looked behind me, to the path I took to reach there. The floor was dusty, and there were faint footprints of me walking around. The locker was dusty as well, and prints of my hands could be seen too. I was careful not to touch the photo or the books, but the locker door-

'I messed up, didn't I?!'

'Well, let's worry about damage control...'

I grabbed my handkerchief and wiped wherever I touched, quickly. 

'Can't do anything about the footprints😳'

I began to hear his footsteps walking closer. I was quick to hide; I've gotten used to this haven't I?!

I could see him from where I was, he walked into the locker room and rather impatiently opened the locker, and began tossing the books outside. I saw him look at the photo in shock, pull it off from where it was, and hurry out.

'Damn that was scary!

Should I be glad he is inattentive-

He never once looked down, or at the locker, and he's made quite a mess out of this place.

Hah, whatever!

I should get going. This is about as much information as I could get from this place it seems. Oh, I remember Dan going into a room along the hallway, maybe I should quickly go there too.




It was the teacher's room he went to, and it was empty for the most part, except for the array of gigantic shelves that were filled with trophies and certificates.

'A school that's closed, and shelves full of trophies...strange.'

I for one had never seen so many trophies together before. So many of them - in all different shapes and sizes, belonging to all different categories.

'Champion. National Art Competition. James Lee.

Champion. National President's poetry competition. James Lee.

Champion. Swimming Competition. James Lee.

Champion. Champion. Champion.

James Lee. James Lee. James Lee...'

It didn't take long for me to find out that ALL of the EVERYTHING they had belonged to James wow Lee. 

'I do remember that "Daniel Park" was athletic and smart and that he sang, but isn't this a little too much-

Is he some sort of a genius or something?

Also, these are quite a few years old. If James had graduated from here all those years ago, then he should be older than to attend high school...then why is he at our school, going through high school all over again?

This is just crazy...'

Phone, photo, and I left the school.

The next place I should be going to, the place Dan would be heading to...the place from the photo.

E H Mart.

'Let's Google that out.'

Kinda boring chapter, I'm aware😓.
This is basically just Kyra digging info and I couldn't add anything of my own, it's just Kyra following Daniel oof😔

Well, if anything, we learnt that she is kinda careful and attentive, and that Dan is quite not.

I mean, he literally just barged into James' school and made a mess, and Charles Choi found out that he had been there just like that (Charles would've found that anyway, but Daniel could've been more careful, right?😕)

Anyways, thank you for making it this far, if you have. Thanks for reading:)

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