8: Brazilian kick

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It was finally the day of the festival. Daniel and Duke had practiced their butt off.
I even saw Dan singing their song during work, Daniel must be killing it at home too.

I got to school early, I didn't want to miss anything!


Daniel was selected for the slave auction, Zack did some 'Hit him in a minute double your money' thingy- basically him dodging hits, which I could tell, he was rather good at.

Baking department was running snack booths and cafes.

As for the architecture department, they first did an arm-wrestling contest, where Euntae won ten matches in a row.
He was incredibly strong, you've got to give him that.
Then the burn knuckles did some water bomb challenge but everyone seemed to be too scared to try.

I thought I would, but they were about to leave, so I didn't bother.

There were students from other schools too, so the place was pretty crowded.

Soon, everyone gathered for one of the three events our school was famous for, the fashion show.

It went well, but I felt that the models weren't very satisfied with their costumes, they looked rather embarrassed.

But it made a huge profit- as usual I was told- and it was time for the next event, the slave auction.

I've seen concerts and fashion shows before, but this was a first.
So I was eager to see how it would go.

The highest earner traditionally becomes next year's MC, so they say.

And soon it began.

Boem Kim got sold for $65, Ho Jeong for $80, Eli Jang for $500(the entire beauty department put their money together for him), and the next "slave" was Euntae.

But no-one was bidding.
I remembered that architecture department was yet to make any profit, and I also felt bad for Euntae.

I thought for a moment, and then made my first bid: "100 dollars"

"Euntae Lee, sold for $100"

Euntae got off the stage, they had to wait till all the "slaves" were "sold".

'Yoo Na' was sold for 50 cents, next up was Daniel.

There were many bids, and suddenly Zoe bid $300.
Daniel looked relieved to see it was Zoe.
It looked as though he was scared of someone else winning the bid.

"1000 dollars", a student from another school called out.

'Woah that's high', I thought to myself, 'she's probably gonna win'.

And just when I was almost certain Daniel was getting sold to her, I heard a higher bid.

"2000 dollars" and I saw a girl and a man.

The girl wore a school uniform and the man was dressed in a yellow-black outfit.
He was another sunglasses guy, and he looked more like a guard than a friend or associate.

The girl seemed very familiar, but I couldn't recollect where I'd met her before at all.

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"Daniel Park, he's sold for $5000!"

The past minute was intense.
In the end, the pink-ribbon girl won the bid.

Daniel was announced to be the property of the winner.


I saw Euntae walking towards the parking lot. He had two packets of chocolate milk in his hands.

'Where's he doing how?' I wondered.

I walked in his direction, and when I was only a few steps away, I could see Daniel, the girl who bought him and the 🕶️who seemed to be her bodyguard at the parking lot.

'He' was about to kick Daniel.

Daniel blocked, but that man suddenly did something, and Daniel got hit still and all.

I suddenly remembered seeing the same move on Newtube once.
It was my first time seeing it in real life though.

'Brazilian kick'

They exchanged some dialogues and I saw Euntae approaching them. I followed.

The next thing I know, 🕶️ hit Euntae.

A few seconds later, he took off his glasses and Euntae looked like he was about to fight.

'Oh no! Are they gonna fight?!'

I went close to Daniel and Euntae, and I saw that the sunglasses guy and the girl got into the car and were about to leave.

But Euntae seemed angry, and was about to go after him.

"Euntae, don't. Please", I adjured him.

"He hit Daniel. He's a bad guy. I mustn't lose to bad guys"

"Yes, but he's leaving. Please don't start a fight with him"

Was there anything else I could say, aahh, yes

"Plus, you're supposed to be on a date with me, yes? So please stop"

Well, that seemed to work, he calmed down.

He asked Daniel who that guy was and Daniel answered that he didn't know.

He then told him, "I can beat you if we fight again, but I can't defeat that guy. I'm still too weak"

'These two have fought before?', I mused.

Daniel then thanked him and Euntae handed over a chocolate milk.

Aww will you look at that, he's made another friend.

'Oh, right! The concert!'

"Daniel, you need to go practice for the concert, right? Duke must be looking for you"

"Ohh I totally forgot! Thanks Kyra, Bye Vasco!"

And Daniel was gone.


"So, I'm supposed to date you now? You did buy me back then...", Vasco said, his face slightly reddened.

I said that to make him stop fighting. And I "bought" him because nobody else did. But...

"You know what, I'll save it for another time", I don't know why I said that, but I know I did.
"You're free to go" I smiled.

"Alright. Mm, the chocolate milk was for you but I gave it to Daniel", he remembered.

"That's okay, don't worry about it..."

And he left...

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