|38| Caught in the act

Start from the beginning

Don't even need to tell me twice.

I immediately shuffled to straddle his lap. "So, what kind of entertainment ways were you talking about, my dearest roommate?" Grazing his jaw with a single finger, I whispered, teasing him with the altered version of the mocking nickname he had given me as 'my dearest wife'.

After placing my legs on either side of his thighs, I wiggled, trying to find myself a comfortable position to settle into, my hands holding onto his shoulders for support.

Aryan gritted, as if he was in immense pain.

A flush of embarrassment crawled up to my cheeks and my heart thudded faster, feeling self-conscious.

"Oh god!" I exclaimed, apologizing, and moving away from his grip, "I am so so sorry. Shouldn't have put all my weight on you. I will-"

His hands clutched my thighs, his fingers digging into the clothed soft skin, making it impossible for me to get off. "Fuck, Ria. Stop moving on my lap like that."

I tried to shift away, blabbering, "Let me just get off. I am crushing you all under my weight-"

"Stop. fucking. moving. Ria."

And that's when I felt it. Under me. Touching the inside of my thigh.



Oh god.

An amused giggle left my mouth without even realizing it, and I buried my face into his neck, suddenly feeling all too shy as opposed to my better nature.

A low growl rumbled through his chest, as I drove my hips forward, just to tease a reaction out of him.

And I got an instant expected reaction.

He grew harder.

"You wish to tease me, huh? Let's not do it in half-measures then," His soft whisper was that of a challenge, a seduction masked with incensed passion.

When he urged me to move forward on his lap, his eyes held a different kind of spark.

More dangerous, less gentle.

It shook me to the core.

His hand burned fire's touch on my skin, as it parted the seam of my Kurti and found its way inside, tickling my belly.

My hands followed, stalking the outline of his defined abs, under his wet white shirt, with my fingers.

Yup, all six and all sexy.

All mine.

I inhaled a shaky breath into his neck, taking in the delicious scent that carried the sweet smell of petrichor and rainwater, mingling with the subtle notes of his usual cologne. It was crossed with a hint of something that was wholly and uniquely him.

It should be illegal for a man to smell this good. I wished I could capture this mind-numbing scent of him in a bottle and keep it with me at all times.

Can you be any more creepy? My mind taunted.

His lips captured mine for the umpteenth time today, stealing both-my breath and my thoughts.

This kiss was a primal force of nature, more darker and enticing than any of the others we had shared. It was different-heavier, more fierce, less cautious.

His tongue plunged into my mouth, delving into every farther corner, stroking and fondling. I shifted on his lap at the sensual sensation as he let out a hiss with my hips pressed against the firm length of him.

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