chapter 49

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So hearstopper update this week?
Fuck yes
Is this going to be a happy chapter?
Fuck no

charlie pov:

"just fucking leave me alone!" i scream to andrew and left the house i take a deep breath and walk to school,ugh this weekend been a fucking nightmare, me and andrew been arguing all day i mean can you blame me? I walk to the station with tears in my eyes , how could andrew and addison do this to me? after all of this, what nick did to me,did they forgot it?  i don't understand      my phone ring i pick it up andrew is calling i decline his call the he call me again "what!" i say after i pick it up "charles for god sa-" i stop the call  no andrew i'm not going to hear you out, i fell my phone vibrate again  but i ignore it instead i put on some music,taylor swift to be clear, album:red (taylor's version), me and addi screamed the whole album which is almost  3 hours long,  but we scream it like we have no tomorrow and it felt so good, it was a free therapy, singing taylor swift, our favorite singer,god i want to go back to that day, okay i was  heartbroken but at least i had my best friends and my brother, but now i don't have them, because for some fucking reason they talk to nick, and i don't even know how long is this going on,  and it doesn't metter, the only thing matter is  they betraying me, i mean if this happened to tori, i would never talk to micheal, and if he would try to talk to me i would beat the shit out of him(of course if i would look like nick,with those arms, ugh  need to stop thinking about those arms) and i would do t because i love tori,and i know it would hurt her.and i know she would do the same thing if she would be with school with us,but she's in uni (at  home uni)                                                     anyway back to this whole situation, i have a theory when they started talking so a day before the concert someone came over andrew said that it was 'postman' i told him that i believe him but somewhere i know that it was nick, so i think that was when they started talking again                                    but addison wasn't there so that's another story when they started talking, god i hate it, why can't we just end it or no, why can't we travel to 4th september, that's the day i'm going to edinburugh (if i get in,well we find it out today, we are getting the answears back i just can't wait i'm nerves, we are getting it at 12 am, we have luch break then)  ,and if i'm in uni i'm going to come how just monthly, i mean if me and nick would be together we would see eachother every two week, yes we talked about it, because we thought we are gonna be together back then,  we talked how after we graduate we are gonna move to edinburgh look at us now, huh, well maybe we are lover only just in every diffrent universe, not in every universe  i wish we could be together in this universe too but no, this is not that universe

i snap out of my thought as i see the bus pulling in i sighed and get on it, i don't really wan to go to school, and  i see nicks face, or see andrew, addison and nick  eating luch together, because i swear to go they are not gonna eat lunch with me (god that sounded like regina from mean girls) but atleast i have tara and darcy  i walked to where tara and darcy are they eyes are closet "hey i say after i sat down at the nd of the bus in the middle seat tara opened his eyes and looked at me confused,i  never get on the early bus,  especialy  on mondays, i have a free class right at the start of the day and then form "hey"i say and darcy open his eyes too and slowoly look at me "mate the mornings are homophobic" say darcy  i laugh the first thing she said to me is a joke about homophobes "i know" i say then i look at tara who was still staring at me confused "what tar?" i ask she shake his head "just confused why are you hear  this early i mean t's monday" she says "i didn't wanted to be home"  that all i said, they know that they have to drop it, so thay did it "how was the weekend?" ask tara "shitty, for you?"i ask them they look at eachother and smile "good we were together the whole time" say tara i smile at them they are so cute together i hope there realitionship will work out,they deserve it,"cool" i says we stayed silent for a few seconds, because we are all so tired, it's just  6:50 am, i'm always in bed at this tim having my beuty sleep, and not in a bussy which is smell like cheap shitty vodka and ciggarets "so did you got answears from the uni's?" ask tara i sighed and pull  my phone out  "no we are getting it back today at like 12 am and i'm pretty scared, i hope i get in to Edinburgh then i can leave this drama at home " i say while looking at my phone i see a good morning text from ben, since the concert he's flirting with me at  paractise which is annoying, a day after the concert me and the band  went out to graba pizza annd ben told me that he likes me but i told him i don't like him, he was sad but didn't made a big deal  of it but then last week monday he started texting me which is annoying , clearly he can't take a fucking hint that i  don't like him like that, i mean he's nice and friendly, but i just broked up with nick a month ago, i'm still not over it, and  i don't think if  i can trust a boy like that again, taras voice make me look up again "what happened at home? is your dad at the picture?" tara ask i shake my head "no julio is not in the picture anymore, i think he moved away with his new girlfriend? who's already pregnant" i say darcy roll her eyes "i remeber when my father fucked off  to bring some  milk for me " she say which made me laugh a little, when we talk about things like this she alway make it  a jjoke so we all can laugh "tell me about it"  she laughs "fathers are asshole's" she says "fax" i say then we high five "then what happened at home? is that the reason you came  with the early bus" ask tara i shake my head "no i just wanted to see you"i lied and ignored the first  question and darcy smirked "charlie you are lying" she says i laughed "no tara-" i say  "charlie don't lie" i say i sighed "okay there is soemthing home, and yes that's why i came earlier today" i say looking down "ahh rude and i thought you came so you can see me" say darcy i laugh at her "drama queen" i say darcy looked at me and hit me "ahh rude"i say and hit her back and that's how we started out cat fight "you fucking bitch" i say "can you stop guys" tara cut the cat fight with her voice we looked at her and i pull away from darcy "sorry" i say "fucking crazy bitch" i say "fucking faggot" say darcy i look at her hurt "let's be clear you are faggot too" i say she nods "a pretty sexy faggot" she says a sit back i toll my eye "charlie?" say tara i look at her totally forgoted that she's here "oh yeah?" i ask "what happened at home?" she ask oh yeah i totally forgoted about it  "oh yeah just me, adison and andrew had a fight, and me and andrew were fighting the whole weekednd" i say they looked at  me suprised "oh? what happenned?" she ask and i went quite remebering the whole weekend i close my eyes and i hear andrew voice "why are you like this right now charlie? i did nothing wrong!" say andrews voice in my head "nothing wrong?are you fucking kidding me? you just started being friends with nelson after you know waht he did to me! and you say you didn't done anything wrong, like it's fucking normal  to talk to your brothers ex!" i say to andrew and i rember andrews face after i say "ex"              "charlie?" tara's voice snap me out of thoughts i look at her "oh yeah sorry i didn't heard what you said" i say " i asked why did you guys had an argument?" she ask "oh" i stopped and tara nodded that i can continue "so at friday i was supposed to working at the café" i say tara nods "well after i was said that i don't have to go there , i decided to go the the mall to grab some chineas......long story short.......after i   ordered it  i saw ........andrew,add and............... nick together talking" i say they looked at me suprised "oh"they say i  nodded "yeah" we stayed silent for a few second "since when did they started speaking?" ask darcy i shrug "i honestly    don't know" i say then my phone ping and take it out and saw that andrew messaged me 

andrew:charlie you forgoted your lunch! do you have money so you can buy?

i ignored him and look up at darcy and tara again "charlie........?" say darcy i looked at her "yeah?" she didn't said anything for a few seconds then she take a deep breath and started speaking "umm......why can't addison and andrew talk to nick?" ask i froze "i mean they are there own person, they can do whatever they want, can't they?" she ask i look at her "okay, yeah the are there own person but they both know what nick did to me?i mean if your brother did this to you what would be your reaction?" i ask her and she shrug "i would let them speak to my ex if they were a good friends, heck best friends then yeah it would be a problem" she says i just stare at her, what the fuck happned to her? i week ago  she was swearing at nick because he just looked at us, and now she's on his side now "well she's right" say tara i looked at her shocked "you don t know what the fuck he did to me!" i say and my voice break "charlie-" tara start to say but i cut her off "no, fuck, why is everyone on that dick's side?" i ask "charlie!" say darcy but i ignored her instead i stand up right when the bus stopped at the bus the door is open so i can get out of there , and i started walking somehwhere, i just feel angry at everyone, what the fuck is happening?

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